Let's get prepared

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Sawada Tsunayoshi, the Vongola Decimo, dug his heels into the floor and refused to obey the instructions of a certain ex-Arcobaleno who resembled an owl, perched on his chair in front of his desk. The poor prey stood with grim determination, upright, like a daring needle stuck in a board, and read through some paperwork.

"I am not going," he stated in a calm voice, trying hard to ignore Reborn's stare, or should I say, glare. He looked around feverishly, lowered his head back to his papers, then gave the drawers a good rummage. He couldn't find the file he needed, the file on mafia alliances. 'Now, where is my document that needs to be signed with the special sky flame?'

He would do anything other than wait for his tutor to state his death sentence. If doing paperwork was the only way to occupy himself, then he didn't have a choice.

"Tsuna, do you know what lies behind an assassin's success?" the hitman asked in a threatening tone. Reborn stood up on his chair to give himself more authority and, now taller than the one who was seated, he looked down at him and continued, "Knowing the target better than itself."

You could trust that Reborn didn't kid around - he was dead serious. Tsuna ignored him and swiftly directed his attention to a porcelain flower vase beside his left arm instead, as if it was the most interesting thing in the office. The longer he observed, the louder his intuition screamed at him to run away as fast as he could, far from the source of absolute peril.

'Sawada Tsunayoshi, Vongola Decimo, died of a severe injury in his office at the Vongola mansion in December of XXXX, a few days after Reborn struck him, accidentally he had said, with a porcelain flower vase. But there were other injuries, too: broken bones, bruises and several air gun bullets lodged in his body.' He sincerely wished that his death report wouldn't be written that way.

'Wait, would Reborn even be caught?' he thought depressingly.

Sadly enough, he unintentionally peeked at his tutor and was met with black oculus shooting laser beams. The intensity could cut through metal like a hot knife through butter. When he blinked, though, he was simply staring back at Reborn's black eyes.

'I really should go see a doctor. The stress is overwhelming.'

Tsuna didn't know who to thank as he saw the door fly open, unveiling his Sun Guardian, no, his savior.

"SAWADA, you're becoming a villain!?" Ryohei entered the room, his legs taking long strides as he moved in closer. The man in his twenties put both hands down the table, his expression showing pure confusion, "What is going on?!"

The interrogatee didn't even have time to deny what was said as a sudden whack over the head silenced the boxer, causing his forehead to crash into the furniture. A loud crack was heard during the collision.

'My desk didn't even last a week...' cried its owner inwardly.

"Show better manners to Jyuudaime," instructed Gokudera, his right eyebrow twitching, "you better knock on the door the next time I see you around, Turf-head." Before the said person could retort, Tsuna's right-hand man whirled ninety degrees, facing his leader and gave him a curt nod. "Jyuudaime, forgive us for barging in without your consent."

"It's alright Gokudera-kun." His beloved boss waved a hand in dismissal and let out a deep sigh of utmost relief. "You have arrived in the nick of time..." Hayato had a questioning look, unsure what did his boss meant by that.

"Speak of the devil, we were just talking about you," said Reborn while sipping his espresso which just happened to be in his hand. "Tsuna and I have agreed upon picking candidates among the Vongola, who will be serving under Neo Vongola Primo, for an upcoming challenge," he smirked sadistically as he saw the blank look on the unlucky Tsuna's face. Obviously, it was taking him some time to process the whole ordeal.

"Of course! I, as the right-hand man, will aid Jyuudaime in any way I can," Gokudera exclaimed quickly. It had been years since he had truly aided his boss with his duties. Naturally, he helped the 10th Vongola Boss with his paperwork and usual assignments, but something was missing.

'Yes, some action,' he pointed out dreamily, remembering the days when he used to fight alongside his Jyudaime. However, after being crowned with the title of Vongola Decimo, everything just became calm and steady. There was nothing but several occasional riots that were incredibly easy to settle.

"It's going to be crazy again, Tsuna," spoke Yamamoto. He just entered the room and leaned his back against the wall nonchalantly. His hands were behind his head as he greeted everyone with a short "Yo."

"What!? You're not coming with us. If Reborn-san and Jyuudaime had to discuss this privately, then it must be a serious matter that someone like you can't handle." Gokudera definitely didn't want his rival, the self-proclaimed left-hand man, to be in his way.

"EXTREME, I'm coming too!" yelled Ryohei, his arms already up to his chest as he swiftly punched in the air.

"Don't worry," Reborn broke in between the loud bickering, "I set up a trial to choose the ones who will go with Tsuna to make it as fair as possible. Isn't that great, Tsuna?" He turned back to face him with a cute smile, only to see Tsuna in a trance.

'I will schedule an appointment with a doctor right after this,' he considered this idea earnestly.

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