{ zanevis } Hot Topic vs The Perv

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"Yo Tractor, can you go charge my phone?" Katelyn, my ex girlfriend, passes me her phone. i sigh and nod.
"I thought i told you to stop calling me that.." I take the phone as she giggles adorably. As i'm walking upstairs to Katelyn's room i hear the doorbell and then Katelyn grunting. "HA HA" i mock her.
"Screw you, Travis!"
"Love you, too!" Travis there was a line and you've just crossed it, you idiot. I admit im still in love with her but her feelings for me are gone.
"Whatever." I hear her open the door and then a familiar squeal. Jess.
Katelyn and Jess have been close friends since high school so i guess it's not a surprise that she's here but i had the idea she was hanging out with her boyfriend, Aaron, and Zane. Zane and Jess have known each other since they were toddlers so they're pretty close, to the point where everyone thought Jess was cheating on Aaron with him. When my friend, Dante's, brother, Gene, had told me he thought that she was cheating i told him he was overreacting and went into denial because of my slight crush on Zane. Ive gotta get advice from Jess about that...
Once i've put Katelyn's phone on charge i fast walk downstairs, almost tripping a few times, so i can speak to Jess.
I walk in to see Jess and Katelyn hugging tightly and Jess crying. My mind goes straight to the worst.
"Travis!" she lets go of Katelyn and turns to me and i see a huge smile planted onto her face.
"...is something wrong?"
"The complete opposite! Look!" She shows me a diamond ring.
"Aaron proposed?!" i feel my face light up as she nods. i hug and spin her around with excitement. We all laugh.

I can talk to her later.
Aaron ended up coming by too with the power couple, Garroth and Laurence, and Zane. They invited us all to come with them to Olive Garden to celebrate.

So here we are. in olive garden. We were sat at a long rectangular table, Jess's mom, Silvana, sat at one end and Aaron's sister, Melissa, sat at the other. Jess and Aaron sat next to Silvana, Zane sits next to Aaron, i sit next to Zane and Dante sits next to me. On the other side of the table Katelyn sits next to Silvana and in front of Jess, KC sits next to Katelyn, Garroth and Laurence sit next to her and Gene, Dante's brother, sits next to Laurence and Melissa(if you are confused please look at the photo attached to this chapter). Everyone makes small talk except Zane and I. Dante tried to hit on Melissa but she rejects him, Gene is laughing at his brothers rejection, Aaron is still trying his best to not make Silvana hate him, Jess is trying not to make puns about weddings(you can see the struggle in her expression) and Garroth and Laurence are being their gay selves. I spot Zane glaring at his blond brother, Garroth.

"Whats that look for? Did you two have an argument before this?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh, no. I was just thinking about why i haven't been in a relationship yet. Everyone else has been asked out on dates and such but I've only been on fake dates with Jess." He says gazing down at his hands.

"Oh? Dude you've just gotta wait for them. Maybe someone is in love with you right now but they're too afraid to ask you out?" It comes out more of a question then a statement, which i am thankful for because that was way too obvious that i like him.

"Hah! Like that would ever happen. Hang on... why am i talking to you about this?"

"I guess i just have the face of someone who people trust with their thoughts."

"You're just talking about your looks now aren't you." He sighs but i can tell he's smiling behind his mask that he still wears everywhere, no one knows why he wears it, except maybe Jess, maybe he's embarrassed about his freckles? Oh well.

"You cant deny it, i am pretty attractive."

"More like pretty annoying."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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