Full Freakin' Circle - Gilmore Girls(fan fiction)

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(Note to readers: I've been binge watching GG the series for several months now... Multiple times. As I was writing this, I couldn't help but think I've heard some of it before. But after reviewing the series AGAIN and having my daughter read it, I can't find these same conversations. However, if you as the reader notice some replication, please let me know so I can pull the story and get it fixed. There's a lot of Gilmore in my head right now.)

Chapter 1:
24 and 40

It feels like its been a hundred years since my beloved little Stars Hallow wished me farewell, but it's only been two. A total of 730 days; well actually, 731 days thanks to leap year. Yep one extra day away from all the antics and charm of my hometown. Away from my mom. Away from Grandma and Grandpa. On my own, forging my path, making a name for -- God, I miss them.

Everything has been a blur of red, white and blue the past couple of years. Littered with broken pencils, coffee stains --should have let mom get me that sippy cup--wrinkled slacks and rest stops. Oh you've never really experienced life on the road until you are taking a baby wipe bath in some shady little rest stop bathroom. All the while hoping some murderer doesn't decide to abduct you because you only have 5 minutes before the bus leaves, and that's just not enough time to both bathe and fight for your life.

Not that any of that matters now. That was then and aside from the handful of pop pieces that made their way to the zero clicks independent websites, there was very little of the Rory Gilmore voice being heard across the nation. Maybe Mitchum was right, maybe I don't have it-- I wonder how Logan is doing these days?


"I really like this movie and I really like watching it with you, Luke Danes. "

"Me too. (Lorelei's smile fades and her eyes flood with tears) Hey you look sad, something wrong?"

"No, I just.."

"Lorelei, what's wrong?"

"I miss Rory."

"Well you talk to her on the phone every day."

"Its not the same."

"And she got you that new tablet doohickey so you can video chat with her. Remember? Because she couldn't be here for your 40th Birthday?"

"Yes I remember. It's not the same."

"So go see her. She can't come here right now, but there's no reason you can't go there."

"Luke! I have responsibilities I can't just walk away from on a whim and for an undetermined amount of time."

"Such as?"

"Um hello...The Dragonfly?"

"Michele and Sookie can handle it without you for a while."

"The twins? What will Steve and Kwan do without Auntie Lorelei around? What will Layne do?"

"They're two. Give them some crayons and a wall, they won't even know you're gone. And Layne will be distracted with the cleaning up of the crayon. Besides she has a mom, you're not it."

"I know, that's why I sad "Auntie Lorelei." Which you clearly didn't hear."

"Lorelei, you're being ridiculous, just go-"

"And there's you!"


"Yes, you."

"I'm one of your responsibilities?"

"Yes! Well you didn't used to be but now--"

"Now what?"

"Now... Now... Now without me around every day, how do we know stuff will get fixed on the house?"

"Because that's always been a problem before?"

"Well no. Because I've been here...annoying you. You get frustrated with me, decide not to yell and BAM! Brand new kitchen cabinets. And then there's your hearing problem."

"My what?"

"See? That, there. I say something, you hear part of it and then respond with 'what?' You obviously need to see a doctor."

"Yeah, I don't think my ears are the part of my head that needs to be examined."

"Well something---"

"Lorelei just go see Rory!"

"You really think I should? I mean you don't think I'd be intruding or anything?"

"Yes, you should and no you wouldn't. Rory misses you, she just isn't in a place in her life that allows her to get away very much."

"Well fine then, I'll go. But when the house starts to fall apart--"

"I'll take care of it."

"And when Sookie cuts off another finger and needs to go to the Emergency Room--"

"Michele has my cell and the diner on speed dial. "

Laughing, "Luke! I'm going to see Rory!!"

(Lorelei runs upstairs)



"Yes, Emily?"

"Are you in the study?"

"Yes, Emily."

"Richard. I've been thinking-- oh you're on the phone. I'll wait."

(gazes at portrait of Rory. Richard hangs up phone.)

"You know we really should get a new portrait of her done. She's not a little girl anymore."

"Is that what you've been thinking about?"

"Huh? Oh. No. I've been thinking that we should take a trip. Maybe stay a weekend in New York City."

"New York City? Whatever would we do in New York City, Emily?"

"Oh, I don't know. Take in a broadway show. Go shopping. Pop in on our favorite granddaughter? "

"Do you think Rory really wants us popping in on her?"

"Does it matter?"

"No. I suppose it doesn't. Fine then. You make the arrangements, Emily. I've got a call to make."

"Wonderful! Oh, we will be going this coming weekend. Don't plan any business trips. "

(She walks out of the room before he can respond. )


Ok, Miss Gilmore, think. What kind of story would catch the attention of today's reader? Something new and fresh. Or something old with an entirely new angle.... Something like... "Tablet or Laptop?" .... No, that's dumb. And it's been done from every aspect of its two dimensional angles. "Online degrees; is college really college without the campus experience?"...Well not everyone can be in a secret society--maybe I should have jumped again.

(phone rings)

"Hello? Paris? You're getting married? Well of course you are, you two have been together for almost 6 years now. I'm amazed Doyle didn't drag you to the altar until now... Friday? But thats the Day after tomorrow! Umm well, thats pretty short notice, I'm not sure -- Yes I do. --Yes I do. --Yes! I do. --Yes, Paris, I do want to be there. -- Yes, I know, your best friend. Oh Paris wait--(click)-- where at?"

Two days later....

(Lorelei arrives at Rory's front door)

[knocking] "Hey kid, guess who?" (no answer)
[knocking louder] "Rory? Yoowho-- Oh come on you've had plenty of time to hide him by now."

"Hide who?"

(surprised) "Mom? What are..."

"Who is Rory trying to hide, Lorelei?"

"No one, Dad. I was being funny."

"I don't get it...Emily?"

"Don't look at me, she didn't get my sense of humor-- Lorelei, where is Rory?"

"I don't think she's here."

"Well why wouldn't she be here? She knew you were coming, right?"

"No, mom."

"You mean you didn't call first?"

"No, Dad."

"Well how could you not call? You know it's rude to just stop by unannounced and Rory is an adult now, Lorelei. You need to treat her like one."

"Dad, I wanted to surprise her."

"Well, what if she didn't appreciate your surprise, Lorelei? Tell her, Richard."

"Lorelei, Rory is at that age where she might have company. Planned company. She could very well be in the middle of a romantic dinner and suddenly her mother shows up at the door. How does that look to a potential suitor?"

"Exactly, which is why you should always call first."

(Lorelei grabs a random guy walking down the hallway) "Hey you, guy I've never met. I'm getting tag teamed here and I'm one superhero short of a dynamic duo. Help."

"Well...(random guy turns to Richard and Emily) Did you call first?"

(Richard and Emily stare blankly in awkward silence)

"A ha!--Thank you, Random guy. You're totally Batman, I'm definitely not Robin--at least not until he gets a better outfit. But you are so Batman."

(Random guy walks away, bewildered)

"Well, I guess we all had the same idea to surprise her, didn't we Richard?"

"Yes, I guess we did--maybe we should call her now?"

(Lorelei is already on the phone) "Way ahead of you Dad -- Rory?"

"Hey kid! Guess where I am?"

"At the Inn?"

"Nope I'm standing in your hallway with Grandma and Grandpa."

"You guys are there? But I'm not there. I'm here."

"Yeah we noticed--where is here?"


"Yale? Did you decide to go to Grad school and forgot to tell us?"

"No, mom. Paris is getting married in the chapel and I'm the maid of honor...and the best man."

"Nothing like reprising a role, huh kiddo."

"Well Doyle did have a different best man picked, but it turns out two days just isn't enough notice for anyone who actually has a life."

"Oh hey kid, don't worry. Something big is coming your way, I can feel it--so I guess we should go then.."

"Oh no, please don't. The wedding is going to start in ten minutes and there's no reception because Paris has too much work to do and it's only an hour and half drive."

"So I guess I'll just wait here then."

"Why don't you go eat with grandma and grandpa?"

"Oh no, no. That's ok, I'll just wait for you here--in the hallway--for the next 2 hours."

"Ok mom, gotta go get these kids hitched. Love you, bye."

(turning back towards her parents)

"So Rory's out of town, but she'll be back in a couple of hours. Three at the most, if there's traffic. You guys go on with your evening, I'll just wait here for her."

"You're just going to wait here in the hallway?" (Emily frowns)

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It's not the first sketchy place I've had to linger about in."

"Well, if you insist on hanging around with the cobwebs and flickering fluorescent lights--Lets go, Richard. I'd like to try that new restaurant."

(Random guy from before walks back down the hallway.)

"Hey Batman"--(Lorelei offers her hand for a high five)

"We're not friends."

"Rude-- hey mom, dad... Wait up."


(Rory laughing) "You got shunned by random batman guy?!"
(Emily Laughing)
(Richard still slightly chuckling) "So Rory, what's next for you in your career?"

"oh, um, well I've got my resume out to several reputable media outlets. I'm expecting a call any day from any one of them."

(Richard shoots a concerned look at his wife.)

"Rory, perhaps you are setting your sights to narrow. Maybe you should look at writing for some magazines?"

"You mean like Cosmo, Mom?"

"No, no. I was thinking something like National Geographic or the Smithsonian. You know, something that would help her see the world and give her voice to it."

"I tried those, Grandma. They told me they are looking for someone more seasoned."

(Lorelei under her breath) "Ugh, I can't believe I'm going to say this-- Mom, didn't you say the D.A.R. Magazine was looking for someone to cover stories around the nation? Something about the restoration projects of famous houses in American history?"

"Why yes, Lorelei, that's a wonderful idea! We've got a couple of reporters, but they have families and don't like to travel much. So we absolutely could use someone like you, Rory. Someone who hasn't laid down roots and is willing to live life on the road."

"That's me. Rootless.". --great, back to baby wipe baths in rest stops.

"And it would be a great way to add some 'fluff' to your resume so you will be plenty seasoned the next time you interview at national geographic!"

"That's very true, grandpa."

"See, kid, I told you something would come along."

"Yes you did."

(Emily turns towards her daughter) " Now Lorelei, how long do you plan to live with Luke before you two finally get married?"

"Oh gee mom, I'd love to have this conversation ..again, but I have to help Rory make arrangements for her new reporter gig. We've got packing and storage to take care of and getting her out of her lease.."

"But I don't want to get out of my lease .."

"We'll discuss it on the way. Scoot, kid... Lots to do, very little time."

"Bye Grandma, bye Grandpa. Sorry I missed you yesterday and thanks for lunch."

Chapter 2:
26 and 42

And thats how things went for the next couple of years. She'd drive from one place to the next, telling basically the same story about the same kind of restoration that was taking place on the same type of colonial house, somewhere in New England. It was all very traditional. Very rigid. Very boring. My kid was capable of so much more. But it was a paying gig and She did get to shower in actual hotels.

Rory did get the chance to spread her wings a little when the magazine's editor took an unplanned vacation to the local ICU. Yes, her loyal Stars Hallow fan base finally got to read pieces like, 'The Process of Preserving Historical Documents' and 'Three Easy Ways to Determine the Value of Antiques' -- which threw Mrs. Kim into the Korean Tirade to beat all tirades. And my personal favorite, 'What's the Point of Keeping that Old Cracked Bell?' Whew, that one sure kicked up a fuss. We should have sold tickets to the viewing of that following Friday night dinner.

Occasionally, her work would bring her close to home and we could meet at Luke's for coffee or say hey to the twins and of course drag her to dinner at Casa De Richard and Emily. But those times were rare and so I cherished them.

Thank God all of this was going to end soon. Her two year contract was up at the end of summer. I feel like a schmuck for getting her into that mess and for encouraging my mother to get involved in her career. Clearly my brain had started to shrivel up at age 40. Maybe age 42 would offer us both some redemption.

"Lorelei, Rory has a new article out."

"Oh yeah. I bet it's about a restoration project on a 200 year old colonial house?"

"Well ...yeah. Don't you wanna read it?"

"Do I wanna read about how bored my daughter is, Luke? No. No I really don't. Especially since I helped her into this particular job. I couldn't just let her swim for a while longer, I had to open my mouth. Im glad she's writing, but cant you feel how miserable she is when you read those articles? --- This isn't what she wanted to do. It's not who she wanted to be."

(Luke hugs Lorelei) "Hey, it's only temporary. She's not going to be writing this stuff for the next four decades. Just a few more weeks. She's getting her feet wet and that's important for every career. The good news is Rory's smart. Smart enough to know she needed to take some risks with those unapproved articles."

"Yeah, I guess..(Lorelei picks up the magazine with Rory's new article) "Geez, kiddo. I just wish you could have caught a side gig along the way. All of New England and the only thing you're writing about is what you've been told to write about."

"I've got to get back to the diner. Everything is going to work out. You'll see." (Luke leaves the house)

At least Luke and I are on track. Not sure exactly where that track is leading, but it's a nice ride so far. I can't believe it took me so long to admit that he was my guy. I always knew it. I just wasn't willing to let it happen. I hope Rory is better about that, when the opportunity presents itself, I hope she jumps. She'll save herself a lot of lonely nights if she just has the courage to dive feet first. God! I hope I didn't screw that up for her too!

I spent so much time running away from relationships, I wonder if that's all she learned about them? Yeah, good job, Lorelei, you torpedoed your daughter's career and her chances at being in a lasting relationship... Before she's 40! Freakin' mother of the year. I should be rewarded with a kick in the pants. Maybe I should--(grabs her tablet and begins typing an email)

Hey Kid,

I know you don't have much time left on this American Spirit contract, so I was thinking maybe it's time for you to look at different options...and different subject matter. Let's avoid asking grandma for her help this time..LOL. I have an idea-- now its going to sound crazy, but stay with me, you should visit some local restaurants when you're in your next town... Or hole in the wall bars...Small town meetings/scandals...Or even take in a local play.

Then write about them! You can submit them to travel magazines or just use them as practice to get out from under the restoration rut. If you are as fed up with writing about wooden nails as I am with reading about them, then it's time.

And talk to the people, like really talk to the locals. Not for interviews alone, but also just for conversation. I'm worried you'll forget the small town lingo and we won't be able to understand each other the next time I see you.

Also, you should know that due to my fantastic parenting style, I've dubbed myself Mother of the Decade...it comes with a blue ribbon and a knighthood!

Okay, well Just an idea, take it or leave it. It's up to you.

I really miss you, kid.



(Rory staring at her laptop) Does she think I don't leave my hotel room?! And wooden nails are not boring, they're very interesting depending on which type of wood is used--WOW! I'm lame.--Ok, taking mom's advice--find a bar...

(Rory walks down a partially restored cobblestone road and finds the 'Suds and Spuds Tavern' she enters and approaches the bartender)

"What can I get ya?"

"Vodka Martini, please, with a twist." (Rory lays her I.D. On the bar)

"Coming up."

(Rory thanks the bar tender, grabs her drink and spins on her barstool to face the local crowd looking for someone to engage in conversation)

Hmmm...looks like the bar scene from St. Elmo's Fire. I wonder when the drunk burn out will show up with his saxophone? --Must tell mom.

(The door opens and in walks a familiar face)

"Marty!! (Rory leaps from her stool and wraps him in a hug) Oh Ive missed you! I know we didn't part on the greatest of terms, but there's very few people left in this world that appreciate a good Chaplin marathon. A viewing of Duck Soup isn't the same without you. So what have you been up to? Let's sit and catch up." (She grabs his hand and starts to lead him to an empty table)

"Uh hi, Rory." (Marty stops her) "I can't sit, I have to work."

"Work? Here? But I thought you were--" (the bartender interrupts)

"You planning on clocking in, Marty, or should I tell my wife that she'll have to drive herself to the hospital while she's in labor?"

"Coming right now."

(the bartender rushes out and Marty takes his place behind the bar, Rory returns to her stool and her drink)

"Let me make you a fresh one." ( He takes the previously unattended drink away from her)

"Thank you. So back to bartending again."

"Oh I never really left. Oh sure I got a decent job as a loan officer in a mortgage company for awhile, but it seemed a shame to give up the tips, so I kept slinging drinks. If there's anything Yale taught me, it's that drunken socialites appreciate any opportunity to flaunt their fortunes, and tipping big is just another way to show off."

"Oh... For a while?"


"You said you had a job as a loan officer....for a while?"

"Oh yeah, that. Well, the housing and mortgage market kinda tanked for a while and being the low man on the preverbal totem pole..."

"You got canned."

"I got canned. It's not all bad though, I still had this job to fall back on. And wouldn't you know, when the stock market goes down, drink sales go up. It's been a lucrative three years."

" Do you think you will head back into the financing industry, at some point?"

"Sure, I suppose. Things are finally starting to level out in that area. Right now, Kari and I are just enjoying the present. Oh yeah, I'm married."

"And no ring?"

"Nah, the ladies tip better when they think the bartender is unattached. Even when I don't flirt with them."

"Hey Marty, can I quote you?"

"Wait, this if for an article?"

"Well no, I mean that's not the reason I came here. But I've been in bit of a rut lately and after talking to you, I'm thinking there's something here. Something about the college graduate struggle in today's economy."

"That's actually not a bad idea and I don't think I've said anything humiliating. Probably wouldn't have any kind of impact in my future, but use my first name only, just in case."

(Rory takes out her notebook and starts to jot some things down)

"You should go talk to that big group over there too. The one that looks like they are waiting for Rob Lowe to show up with his sax. Lots of college grads with very few job prospects."

"Thanks Marty. Hey it was really good running into you again. Maybe you, me and Kari can plan a Duck Soup night soon?"


(She heads to the St. Elmo's Fire table)


Ha! I'm a genius. I'll take that blue ribbon now. One little push to get her out of her swanky hotel room and into a bar and BAM, Rory Gilmore was on the front page of every major paper in the nation! No, she wasn't the first one to break the story about the 99% or the Occupy Wallstreet protest. But she did have her feet in both worlds, so she had an interesting perspective that everyone wanted to read.

She became an overnight sensation which continued throughout her series for the next two years. She interviewed old classmates from Yale, Chilton and Stars Hallow High. CEO's both former and current and even The President of the United States--one of the perks of getting a ticket on the campaign bus. She really had her finger on the pulse of the nation and did an excellent job putting that erratic rhythm into print. Who knew a seedy little tavern could be so inspirational? Well me, of course. But no one else did!


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