Chapter 3: 28 and 44

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Yes, Rory had really come a long way since her two year contract writing for American Spirit. They would have renewed it too, if it hadn't been for that disdainful article about the Liberty Bell. Honestly, her lack of reverence for such a prestigious piece of history was appalling. It took a great deal of convincing and a very sizable donation to keep the board from kicking my granddaughter out of the DAR altogether. Not that Richard or I minded offering up the donation, it was all the butt kissing that followed. Whatever happened to the days where you could just write a check and all was forgiven? Now people aren't satisfied until they've had their egos stroked, pampered, tucked into bed with a kiss goodnight and a fresh glass of cucumber water on the nightstand. It's exhausting.

Oh but her grandfather and I were very excited to hear her articles were hitting the front page! The first one, 'The Pomp and Circumstance of Unemployment' was riveting! I mean I had no idea there were so many well educated adults floundering around the job market. Most of them competing for entry level jobs with not only other graduates, but also with a plethora of seasoned professionals who found themselves recently unemployed. Profit industries we're getting 10 plus years of experience at a discounted rate. Those kids never had a chance.

However, as her series went on we became less pleased. The general narrative continued to move in the direction of 'you're rich, it's your fault.' As if we the wealthy, all convene at Scrooge McDuck's mansion to swim in our gold coins while mocking the peasants who bring them to us in large wicker baskets, woven by their own hands. Being vilified for making profitable investments and having good breeding was astonishing; and by our own granddaughter! As luck would have it, new and more sensational topics began to hit the presses. Rory's voice went silent in the journalism world again.


"Well well, just happened to be in the neighborhood huh?"

"Hi, Jess."

"What brings you to Locust street?"

"Well, I came to see you and inquire about a job."

"A job?"

"Yes, I've had a pretty good run for a few years, I figured I'd take a break from writing and see what the publishing business was all about."

"Sorry, we're not hiring."

"But the window has a 'Help Wanted' sign."

"Oh yeah? Huh. Must have forgotten to take that down."


"Besides, you don't need a job, didn't your trust fund just kick in last year?"

"Well yes, but so did my payments to my grandparents for three years of IV League tuition."

"Ah. Then it sucks we don't have anything available for you."

"Wait, you're not hiring or you don't have anything available for *me*?

"Same thing, isn't it?"

"No it's not. If you have employment openings but you are refusing to hire me, I demand to know why!"

"Because you don't want to be here, Rory."

"Excuse me?! How do you know what I do or don't want?"

"Because I know you, Rory. And this isn't what you want. You're here asking about a job, because you're afraid to be without one. Probably a side effect of your last two years worth of interviews, but the moment some big time media outlet calls you, you'll be out of here faster than Dominoes can deliver a pizza."

"And that's a bad thing?!!"

"Nope. It's not. When you write, people learn. So you've hit a slump, so what? Just write some stuff on spec, that's how you ended up on the front page in the first place. So just go do that again. "

"Look Jess, if you let me work here, I promise--"

"You don't belong here, Rory. We won't hire you." (He flashes his crooked smile at her) "Go find your own job."

"Um, I don't know what to write about. I don't have any decent topics left."

"Have you eaten?"

"Not since lunch."

"Well that's your problem. You've never been able to think on an empty stomach. Let me finish up here and we'll go grab dinner."


"And beer."


(Rory and her grandparents are sitting in the living room with drinks in hand)

"So you see, grandma and grandpa, I think it's important for me and my career for me to live abroad for while. After talking to Jess, it just made a lot of sense. If I want to make more of an impact than I already have, I need to keep exploring my options and expanding my network. There are plenty of spec pieces I could write which involve other cultures and as long as I submit them to the correct media people, there's a good chance I could pick up another series."

"But I don't understand, you've already been to Europe, twice. Once on your vagabond tour with your mother and once properly with me. You don't think there's enough material from those trips to pull material from?"

(under her breath) "If I wanted to write for a gossip column."

"What was that, Rory dear?"

"Asia, I was thinking Asia would be more along the lines of what I would like experience."

"Well this all sounds very exciting, if not a tad terrifying. But I'm a bit confused, you're a grown woman. You can do this without our permission, so why does it sound like you're asking for it?"

"Grandpa, I'm not so much asking your approval to travel as I am asking to use part of my trust for this excursion. I know there were certain expectations you had attached to that money and since a large portion will be repaying my tuition at Yale--per our agreement and I will follow through with that-- it may take the rest to fund my travels."

"Oh I don't know, Rory. It is your money, but your grandmother and I thought you would invest it in something that would turn a profit."

"I completely understand that and it would be a wise use for that money, but it would also still be a risk. The stock market has only barely began to recover and there's no way to truly predict how long that will last. So no matter where I invest it, there is no guarantee it will produce profit. In fact, I could lose it all. And then I would still be trying to work within the small network I've created here with very limited material. However, if I use it to travel to Asia and immerse myself in the cultures, I will be investing in my career. On a continent that has very little competition for journalists."

"Well you know why that is, Rory? Because so many of the governments censor the media, you wouldn't have the freedom there that you do here. Between the war zones and the surplus population, it's practically barbaric. No, I don't like it. I don't like the idea of my only granddaughter traipsing through dangerous territory searching for her next big story."

"All due respect, grandma, that is the reason I wanted to be a journalist in the first place."

(Richard goes to the drink cart for a refill) "Ok. You have my approval, on one condition."

"I fly back every Friday for dinner? Because I gotta tell ya, Grandpa, that would raise the price of the trip considerably. Not to mention the perpetual jet lag."

"No, no. My one condition is that you find a companion to go with you. I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of you being alone in that world. "

"Ok, I can do that. Well, should we head into the dining room?" (Rory stands and begins to walk, Emily stops her)

"I have a few conditions of my own."

"Of course you do, grandma."

(Emily raises an eyebrow) "1: You will travel back home 4 times a year for an extended weekend. You can stay in the pool house. 2: Your mother, grandfather and I will join you in your travels for two weeks --" (Rory interrupts her)

"Grandma, it might be very gritty, I'm not really planning on leading a lavish lifestyle."

(Emily clears her throat) "We will join you in your travels for two weeks each year during your trek across Asia. And 3: You will correspond with us weekly, either by letter, postcard or phone call; it will help us keep track of you and if you miss a week, we will assume you are in terrible trouble and take appropriate action. So, do we have a deal?"

"Seems reasonable enough. Yes, we have a deal."

"So, Rory, when do you think you'll be leaving? "

"Well, grandpa, I still have 4 months left on my lease agreement, and I figure that will give me enough time to research where I want to travel and live. Find and hire guides for the journey, look into censorship standards and make sure I know where each American Embassy is located. I also thought I might spend a few weeks traveling Europe first, so I can get a feel of what it's like to be alone in unfamiliar territory... Ya know, before I jump feet first into it."

"Don't forget about that companion condition."

"Yes it will also give me time to find a traveling buddy."--I know just who to ask.


(A Stars Hallow little leaguer runs off of right field and straight towards the bathroom)

"That's him, that's the kid!"

"Wha? What's the kid?" (Lorelei looks up from her conversation with Sookie)

(Luke smiles)"That's the kid, Lorelei."

(Lorelei returns a confused smile) "Ok, Luke, that's the kid." (Turning back towards Sookie) " What do you mean you're bored?"

"In the kitchen. I've created every recipe known to man and invented a 100 of my own. I'm starting back at the beginning again and working my way full circle through them a second time."

"And they all taste amazing."

"Of course they taste amazing, otherwise I wouldn't serve them. But it's all been done before. I'm losing my passion for my art, Lorelei. I'm bored."

"Aww, Sookie, How can I help?"

"I don't know that you can. Maybe it's just a phase, it'll pass."

"Sure, it'll pass." (Lorelei puts her arm around Sookie and gives her little squeeze) "We'll get through this together."

"Yeah, I gotta get back to the Inn and get dinner started. I'll see you later....partner."

(Sookie leaves, Lorelei immediately launches into a panic attack)

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god"

(Luke grabs a hold of Lorelei) "What's wrong?"

"She's gonna leave. I can't run the Inn without her, we wont have any food. She has to stay Luke, and she's making plans. I can tell, she's making plans to leave. Maybe not today, but in the near future. And I need her here, she's my chef, my business partner, my best friend. I can't do any of this without her. I need her to stay. Help me think of a way for her to stay."

"How do I help with that?"

"I don't know. Think of something. Tell her your grandma used to make a meal for you and you can't quite remember...give her bits and pieces at a time. It will intrigue her and maybe keep her here with us until she gets out of this funk."

"So you want me to make something up... Something that I have no idea what it is and ask her to figure it out for me?"

"Yes! Please?"

"Sure, ok."


"Ok." (Luke smiles at her again, she smiles and rests her head on his shoulder)

I was terrified of the perils my granddaughter might find herself in along this Asian excursion, still I did find it comforting that she wouldnt be completely alone. And a weekly correspondence schedule seemed like an easy way to keep tabs on her, even if it was from an entirely different hemisphere. Perhaps, if she just would have married Logan, she wouldn't be so emboldened to assert her independence or define her career at the cost of her safety. But these weren't my choices, they were hers and she had to be allowed to make them; even if they were mistakes.

Yes, things were changing for my girls. One was about to embark on the journey of a lifetime and the other was trying desperately to stay the course. Meanwhile, my dear Richard was entertaining the idea of retiring again--on his terms this time. Though, I doubt that would stop him from working, he will always find some way to fill his time with purposeful endeavors. I guess its true what they say, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

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