Chapter 4: 28 and 30?

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Here I am, feeling defeated and rabid with anger. I wasn't sure which part of the meeting had pushed me into such a rage. It wasn't the fact that my father had bought out the company, or the fact that he decided to deliver the news himself, instead of sending one of his bobble-head cronies to do the dirty work. Actually, I took that as a compliment--Huntzberger Publishing Group only acquired the best companies. It was a tribute to our hard work these past six years that Mitchum saw this company as an up and comer with the potential to raise the status and profit margin of his empire. No, it wasn't that. Somewhere between finding out that my business partners sold us out for a discounted price and that cold, calculated grin my father had plastered on his face when he told me there would always be a position available for me HPG. That's where the fury began.

I understand that my partners had never individually seen an opportunity to boost their bank accounts by four million dollars in a single deposit, but I know that man--at least the business side of him. He would have paid two and half times that much for our little enterprise. Our stock was rising daily and we were recently featured in Forbes as the next big thing. But those bastards took the first offer he made them! Mitchum is good at what he does though, so good in fact, that the four of them excluded me from all of the prior dealings with him--that was the only condition he made. Had I been in attendance, there is no way in hell he would have gotten out of this so cheap. By the time this meeting came around, there was nothing left for me to do but fume, turn red and sign my name. My partners had already cashed their checks. I'd been shanghaied by a squad with no balls.

The final blow came when Mitchum put his hand on my shoulder and said "This is a good life lesson for you, son. Always maintain controlling interest in your companies. Otherwise it becomes too much of a democracy and the majority will rule every time." I clenched both my fist and jaw, then turned my back to him and my former business partners and went to clear out my office.

This was undoubtedly the worst day I've had since Rory rejected me. She at least let me walk away with my dignity in tact.

Just as Im leaving the office for the final time, Janice, the receptionist calls me over to her desk and hands me a black envelope. "This came for you about an hour ago, Logan." There was no return address on it, just my name in gold lettering. I didn't know of anyone in my circle getting married and it didn't look like that kind of envelope anyway, just my name--well not even my full name 'L. Huntzberger' was all that appeared on it. I continued to stare at it as I headed down to my car in the parking garage, once inside the Porsche, I gingerly opened the envelope and revealed a single sheet of black stationary, again with gold lettering:

In Omnia Paratus
October 12. 1:00 p.m.
53.5555° N, 10.0025° E

(Logan picks up his phone and types something in) "Kunsthalle Museum, Hamburg, Germany. Ha! Octoberfest, here we come." (dialing a number) "Hello, yes I'm going to need to be on your next flight out to Hamburg, Germany. As few layovers as possible. Name is Logan Huntzberger--I'm already booked on a flight? When does it leave? Five hours? No, no that'll be fine. Ok, thank you." I wonder what else the guys have waiting for me?


(Logan departs the plane and heads out of the gate, he sees a man standing next to the exit holding a large black card with the gold lettering 'L. Huntzberger')

"Hello, I'm Huntzberger."

(The driver grabs Logan's bag and motions for him to follow. An hour later they arrive at the museum)

"So I guess I'm not going to shower first then?"

"It's 12:58 Mr. Huntzberger, you have an appointment to keep."

"Indeed I do, and it couldn't have come at a better time!"

(Logan enters the museum and is met by Finn, Collin, Robert and a glass of champagne)

"Logan, my favorite bulldog!"

"Not too loud, Finn, you'll hurt their feelings." (gesturing to Collin and Robert) "Guys stop gawking at that sculpture and get over here!"

"But she's naked. I wonder how much she costs, Robert?"

"It's entirely possible this is my future wife. She's not for sale."

(Logan turns his attention back towards Finn) "So what's on the agenda for this evening?"

"I haven't the foggiest idea. This is your doing."

"No, not mine. I received an invitation."

(Collin returns to the conversation) "Black with gold lettering?"

(Robert follows) "And coordinates printed on it?"

"Yes and yes... You all got the same invitation?"

(All three hold up single pieces of black stationary)

"Well then, who--" [thwap thwap thwap]

(All four turn in the direction of the sound and see a man wearing a tuxedo and a gorilla mask banging his cane on the floor.)

Once he has our attention, he turns and walks toward a hallway, I look at the guys, shrug and follow. They kept pace. We follow our guide through a maze of world renowned artwork as we head deeper into the massive structure. Finally we are led into a large room with vaulted ceilings and a single painting on display. The masked guide hands me a black piece of stationary with the word 'LOOK' written in gold. I head over to the painting with the boys close behind. The description reads : 'Portrait of Antea'. We look closer at the painting--no black stationary was anywhere to be found on it. Nothing that even resembled a clue.

(Finn shrugged) "Maybe we're supposed to steal it? Or at least flip it around and see what's on her backside."

"You know, they say if you want to really see art, you have to take a step back."

(The four step backwards simultaneously)

(a woman's giggle rings out from behind them and echoes around the room)

Finn, Collin and Robert pivoted around immediately, but I couldn't. My legs suddenly became weak and it took everything I had to remain standing--I know that sound, that chortle. It was like a song I hadn't heard in ages but missed with all of my being. It was her.--I willed my body to turn around. Upon sight of her and those piercing blue eyes, my breath failed me as my legs had just done. God, she looked good in that red dress. I wanted to run to her, just as the guys were doing. I wanted to scoop her up in my arms, pull her close and this time, never let her go. Everything was failing me, legs, breath, words--everything except emotion-it just kept hitting me in waves of memories. Her laugh, her scent, her kiss, her warmth--dammit, Logan, move! It's Rory, go get her now!

(Rory hugs the guys but notices Logan hasn't budged, she moves towards him)

"You step in some glue, Huntzberger? Or are you not happy to see me?"

"No! I mean, yes!" --words finally, now make a sentence--"No glue, just waiting my turn. You've been missed." --Better. Maybe by week's end you'll be able to stammer out an entire paragraph.

(She throws her arms around his neck in a friendly hug) "I'm glad you came."

So close--our bodies were so close. I could smell her perfume mixing with the scent of her shampoo--hug her. Ive got to get it together. "Shall we continue, m'lady?"

"We shall."(Rory loops her arm through Logan's) "Let's go boys. Lots of time, very little to do--wait, stop, reverse that."


After I led them through the museum, stopping occasionally to enjoy some art and retrieve the strategically placed overcoats and headwear, we ventured up toward the roof and came upon a small storage room filled with crates of undisplayed art. I look at Logan--sex in the storage room--Whoa! Where did that come from?! Calm down Rory, he's given you no indication that he wants to rekindle a romance. He didn't even call you 'Ace'.

"Dear God! This is a kleptomaniac's dream!! "(Finn paws at the artwork with enthusiasm, Robert and Collin follow his lead)

"Um, Rory, I don't think my attorneys are up to date on German law..."

"Right...Boys (she claps her hands) put the priceless treasures away. It's far too early in the evening to end up in jail."

"The girl makes a fair point." (Finn returns what looks to be a Monet to its crate)

"Mother is judging again." (Robert and Collin leave the room looking dejected)


She was here, really here. On my arm again. I couldn't tell if it was simply a friendly gesture or something more. Was this just her way of getting the gang back together for a much needed brouhaha? Or was she opening a door for the two of us?--Relax. Just enjoy the moment--We followed her through the access panel leading onto the roof. The display laid out before us--the sun setting over Hamburg, a large circular table set with covered plates, ornate steins and three St. Pauli girls holding pitchers of amber colored beer.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Octoberfest, Gilmore style."

"Logan, my good man, I'm going to have to amend my earlier statement. *She's* my favorite bulldog."

"No argument from me, Finn. I'm partial to her, myself." (he smiles at Rory)

(The group takes their seats as the girls fill their steins and uncover their dishes to reveal sausage ,potatoes ,kraut and corn)

The evening spread out before us as we filled ourselves with food and beer--neverending beer--I couldn't spot a keg, I had no idea where it was coming from. She had done well.

"Hey Rory, What is all of this for? What I mean is, the context is completely lost to me. Is this about the life and death brigade, or something else?"

"So many questions, Huntzberger! If I didn't know better, I'd think you were interviewing me for the Yale Daily News."

(Logan laughs) "No, just curious--I'll keep everything off record."

"Well then, the thing is..."

She went on to tell me about Asia and her grandparents conditions --I think I know where this is going.

"...and there is only one person that comes to mind when I think of a companion for a trek through the Orient. Even if it will be far less luxurious than the trip we planned so many years ago."

"So, this is all a rouse then?"

"Not entirely. I did want to see the guys again. But after that last time we saw each other, I wasn't sure if you would have come to meet me any other way."

"Ace, c'mon...I'd go anywhere for you."

And then she kissed me.

"Wait, Logan. What about your work, your business?"

"Funny you should mention that, Ace. I was actually walking out of the office for the last time when your invitation arrived."

"Last time?"

"My esteemed partners took some back room meetings with none other than Mitchum Huntzberger himself."

"Oh no, Logan. You were acquiesced?"

(nodding) "We were acquiesced."

"I cannot believe he did that to you! (Rory suddenly looking worried)--umm, where are the guys?"

I look up to see that the guys have gone--and so have the St. Pauli girls. "There!" I turn just in time to see Finn wave as he heads over the side of the building onto the fire escape.

(Rory runs to the side of the building) "Guys, hey come on, we're not done yet! Guys!--the Mercure Hotel--I'll leave your keys at the desk--Guys!"

"Don't worry, love, we left you with the wizard. He' ll help you get back to Kansas!"

(Logan walks over and puts his arm around Rory just in time to see the boys walk away with their dates for the evening)

"I had so much more planned. Now it's been reduced to just an extravagant dinner!"

"Ace, this was wonderful. Seeing you, it's like being able to finally breathe again. Now...Let's go see what we can do about breakfast."

It was like those five years apart never even happened. Over the next week, we fell back into the same rhythm. Running amok and raising hi-jinks wherever we went. Her laughter, her smile, those sparkling blue eyes, the way she challenged my ideals and grounded me in reality at the same time--there was no doubt that I was still very much in love--the guys could see it. They made themselves scarce for the remainder of our impromptu vacation and at the end of it awaited a two year journey through Asia with the only woman I've ever loved. I couldn't wait.

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