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When we turned to see which delightful woman had made such a fantastic giggle, we were elated. The boys and I often spoken of our dear Rory and how we missed seeing her blue eyes judge our debauchery knowing that her quick wit and sharp tongue would sober us enough to be momentarily ashamed. How were we to know that when our dearest mate brought her into our lives, she would become a cornerstone of our little group? No actually ive got that wrong-we became her cornerstones, hellbent on lifting her into the universe so she could touch the moon. It was desperately important that she believed she could reach it, since Logan was convinced she hung it there in the first place.

And there she was, this goddess who chose once more to grace us with her presence. As we showered her with our champagne sodden hugs, it was quite obvious that where there should have been five, there were only four. She broke from us and glided in his direction. Our gazes followed this beauty in red-and then suddenly we saw our mate's morphing expression. Clearly our boy was struggling in that moment!

"My God, Finn! He's white as a sheet!"

"Yes, Collin, he seems to be frozen. Robert, does he look weak to you?"

"Indeed he does. Should we go over and offer him a bit of support?"

"No, no. Let's see what happens. This moment could prove to be quite endearing or quite comical, neither of which I'm opposed to watching."

"Who knew the Kuhnstalle had live theatre as well? I wonder if its for sale?"

We looked on as she wrapped her arms around his neck and were pleased to see the color come back to his face--wait,,was he smelling her hair? Huh. Imagine that.

"Mates, I believe we have a bit of a problem here. It appears our boy is still very much enamored with our blue-eyed angel."

"Why is that a problem, Finn?"

"It is a problem, dear daft Robert, because she may not be so enchanted with him. This production could end up being most heart breaking and I didn't buy a ticket to see a tearjerker!"

"What do we do?"

"Distract. Divert attention away from the ever beautiful Rory" (The boys watch as Rory loops her arm through Logan's) " Or perhaps that won't be necessary at all." (Finn smiles) "Let's make our companionship with them brief this evening."

"Oh, but we love Rory too, Finn! And miss her just as much."

"Collin, are you finding it difficult to breathe?"

"No, not at all."

"Then you most certainly do NOT miss her as much as he does."

We followed the two through the great halls of the museum and onto the roof where we noticed three--not four--St.Pauli girls. Oh our Rory was a clever one. Ensuring that Logan's lap would be saved for her and only her. She always has been my favorite bulldog. Yes, tonight would be the shortest life and death brigade reunion in history. We just needed to wait for the perfect moment to slip away and leave these two to their own musings.

Through the beer, food and laughter, Logan was keeping his eyes mostly locked on Rory and she was responding to his every expression. I momentarily thought one or both of them had been struck by lightning, only to realize that she had leaned forward and kissed him-it was time to bid auf wiedersehen.

"Gentlemen and ladies." (Finn motions to Rory and Logan locked in a kiss, the boys take the hint)

"Fräulein?" (Finn holds out his hand to the bar wench he's been flirting with all night. Collin and Robert follow his lead and the six of them head over the fire escape)

I was the last to leave the rooftop as I took one more look at these two mates of mine. I know why they fell out away from each other, but it's about bloody time they fell back in.


"I can't believe they just left! All this planning and they just take off! The nerve of those boys!"

"Well, can you blame them?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Huntzberger?"

"I mean, Ace, you practically ripped my clothes off of me on that rooftop."(He smiles coyly)

"I did not! And here we are three hours later in your hotel room and both still fully clothed. There's been no shredding of garments at all!"

"Much to my dismay."

"Oh so that's how you think it's going to be, do you? Seeing each other for the first time in six years and you just assume I'm going to jump your bones?"

"Weeeeeeelll, you did kind of lead me to that assumption. That kiss..."

"That kiss! That kiss was the purest expression of how I feel about you still after all these years. It was not about sex!"

"You're easily goaded."

"No I'm not, I'm...." (Rory laughs loudly) "Fine, Master and Commander. You win. I am easily goaded by you."

"Rory, do you mean it?"

"Mean what? That you can still push my buttons?"

"About the kiss, about your feelings for me? Because its ok if you don't really feel like that anymore, I would still gladly be your traveling companion around Asia. I just need to it real or.."

"Am I faking it?!"

"No, not faking. Maybe just caught up in the ambiance of the evening and familiar memories?"

"That's a good question , Huntzberger." (Rory looks around the room) " This hotel design is modern and sleek...very cold. Nothing romantic about the ambiance in here. And I'm mostly sober now, so those memories aren't nearly as powerful as they were on the rooftop. Let's try again." (Rory moves quickly to catch his lips with hers. Logan places one hand in the small of her back and the other on her cheek letting his fingers tangle in her hair)

When he holds me like this, it's like I'm safe even though I feel like I'm falling every time we kiss. Not a bad, scary kind of fall--it's thrilling actually, just like when we jumped off that scaffolding. Every time we kiss, I feel like I'm in that moment, floating in the air somewhere between the top of that scaffold and my feet landing on the ground. And I don't want to land. I just want to continue in this thrilling free fall, safe with my Logan.

"Rory?" (still kissing)


"Rory, do you want me to stop?" (Rory keeps kissing him) "Rory, do you want me to stop?"


"Are you sure?"


Such the gentleman. Always making sure I'm comfortable and wanting him as mush as he wants me. God, did I want him. After we made love--which, by the way, WOW!!--we laid there wrapped up with each. Limbs entangled and fingers intertwined, so comforting and peaceful. I drifted off to sleep and somewhere in my slumber I felt him kiss my forehead and heard him whisper.

"I love you, Ace. Always have, always will."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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