The Proposal

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Barry Allen

Oh, Barry. He was stuttering and stumbling and beating around the bush for so long that you worried Cisco might call on the Flash's help before he ever got it out. He forgot to get down on one knee out of nervousness, which he later berated himself for, but you couldn't care about in the least.

Caitlin Snow

Caitlin was quietly happy when you asked. She smiled and looked down, then back up at you to say, "Of course I will" in a beautifully earnest way.

Cisco Ramone

Cisco went all out.

You walked into the S.T.A.R. Labs Cortex to be greeted with an explosion of balloons, the Princess Bride soundtrack blasting in your ears, and a widely-grinning Cisco in the middle.

You said yes, of course, and he presented you with a delightfully nerdy engagement ring, themed after your favorite comic books.

Eddie Thawne

In a delightfully traditional way, Eddie got down on one knee and held out a box, the classic engagement ring nestled within. After you said yes, he forgot to remain suave and practically tackled you in a hug and a kiss.

Eobard Thawne

You found out in the wrong way. You'd been flipping through his personal calendar to make some plans when you saw "Wedding" scribbled a few months ahead.

You confronted Eobard to ask whose wedding he was attending and, in a very matter-of-fact way, he informed you that it was yours.

You smacked him with the calendar and then said yes to make it a little more traditional.

The next morning, you found the ring beside your coffee cup.

Harrison Wells

It snuck up on you both so gradually that you hardly noticed. Things simply progressed without ever officially addressing it until one day, the ring was on the table and you put it on.

Henry Allen

You were both sitting outside on the porch when he began a sweet, heartfelt speech. He told you about how you helped him transition back to a normal life, and how he wanted you to be a part of it permanently. You agreed, both smiling happily.

Hunter Zolomon

One day, you demanded to know if Zoom's plans ever included the two of you getting married. Hunter seemed to take it as a personal challenge, determined to do everything perfectly.

And he certainly did.

Iris West

You wanted it to be as romantic as possible. You took her out on a long date, showering her with compliments and dropping small hints. She was still shocked when you proposed, and excitedly said yes, making plans immediately. You just watched her, grinning.

Joe West

Joe tried to take a practical approach, but you beat him to the punchline, proposing to him instead. He was taken aback at first, then just laughed and kissed you, slipping the ring on your finger.

Wally West

Wally didn't quite know how to go about it without being awkward.In the end, he accidentally came across as arrogant. You called him out, grinning all the while.

Then you said yes, and he went back to being the sweet Wally you knew

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