Leonard Snart Catchup

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How They Fell In Love With You

You kept mysteriously showing up around each of his heists. He didn't know that you worked for S.T.A.R. Labs at the time; it was your job to make sure he didn't go back on his agreement with Barry and kill anyone. 

But with you showing up all the time, you were bound to start talking. At first, it was sarcastic banter. Then it bled over to serious things, real life, daily "how you doing"s. And before you knew it, you were in love with Barry's arch enemy. 

The Proposal

Leonard threw it out so casually that you almost missed it. He was in the middle of a heist, and you were half-helping half-keeping an eye on his morality. 

"So what's after this?" you asked as he froze the back of a truck to the breaking point. You were about to suggest pizza when he spoke up. 

"We'll stop by the judge for the certificate," he said. 

"...the what?" 

"Oh, should I have gotten down on one knee?" he drawled, hopping into the back of the truck. There was the sound of shattering glass, followed by him jumping out with an extremely old and extremely valuable ring in hand. You just grinned. 

A Stakeout

Stakeouts with Leonard were all business. Except filled with a lot more sarcasm, witty-one liners, and the usual banter the two of you put off. 

A Typical Phone Call

"Lenny," you say. "I'm dyin' here." 

"What's the matter now, sweetheart?" Leonard drawls. 

"You haven't pulled a heist in weeks. I'm no criminal, mind, but things have never been more boring at S.T.A.R. Labs." 

"There's no one here to rob," Leonard reminds you. "Not until next month." 

You drop your forehead on the desk in front of you. "I can't take it. These doldrums are gonna have me six feet under, Lenny." 

"Well if it's any consolation," he says. "I could take you out on a date, if not a robbery." 

"Thank goodness." 

"I'll pick you up at six," he says. You can hear the smile in his voice. 

Their Favorite Part of Christmas

Doi. The snow. But not just any snow. Leonard has a suppressed love of paper snowflakes. By the time the 25th of December has actually arrived, your house is drowning in them, because no self-respecting criminal can have paper snowflakes around his house. He goes through at least three pairs of scissors and more paper packages than you care to add up. 

Finding Out You're a Metahuman

Leonard's first question is "What can you do?" closely followed by "How can I use it?" You know the man means well. 

A Typical Day With Them

There are two sorts of days. One is where you stay at S.T.A.R. Labs wishing you were with Leonard as you do Good People Stuff, and the other is where you're with Leonard doing Slightly Less Good People Stuff. But you don't mind walking the thin line of morality; you have too much fun to overthink it. 

They Fall In Love With You A Little Bit More Each Time You...

Randomly show up. Leonard has come to think that you might have a tracker on him. You might show up mid-robbery, you might show up at his house in the middle of the night... it would almost be creepy, really. He just gives a grin, shakes his head slightly, then gives you a kiss if he's not too busy. 

The Thing You've Said That Hurt Them Most 

"She would be better off without you, Lenny. We all would." 

You knew how badly those words would hurt. Leonard had taken care of Lisa for years, ever since their father had been too much. Leonard had tried his best, and you still didn't think it was enough. 

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