They Fall In Love With You A Little Bit More Each Time You...

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Barry Allen 

Laugh. Barry loves watching you throw back your head, crinkle up your nose, or cover your face each time good feelings get the better of you.

Caitlin Snow

Make plans. Getting dragged into your hijinks seems to be her second job, and she loves watching you get childishly excited about your plans with her.

Cisco Ramon 

Yell at inanimate objects. Whether it's a thing that refuses to stay upright or characters in a video game, he gets cracked up over your determination to talk the world into cooperating.

Eddie Thawne

Look into his eyes. Which is often. Because... have you seen his eyes?

Eobard Thawne

Try to act stern. Eobard is as patronizing as they come, and he loves to patronize your attempts to boss him about. They always fail, and he seems to love you more each time.

Harrison Wells

Simply exist. Harrison is always falling more and more in love with you with each passing day. You don't have to do anything special to make it happen.

Henry Allen

Embrace him. After years of being alone at Iron Heights, there's few things Henry loves more than some loving physical touch.

Hunter Zolomon

Sees you. Laying eyes on you is all it takes for Hunter to fall in love just a little bit more.

Iris West

Treat her. A small gift, taking her out to dinner, even sending a text. They all make Iris both feel loved and feel love for you even more.

Joe West

Are there for him. Some days it's because you come bearing java, some days it's having the squad car already running heat, some days it's just being there to crash on the couch with.

Wally West

Flirt with him. Wally loves it when you keep him on his toes, and you love doing it.

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