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"Captain, who's that girl?"

Hanamiya glanced at Hara who pointed towards the bleachers. Following his finger, Hanamiya found [Last Name] sitting with a smile on her face.

"I don't know," he said, squinting his eyes at her in a deadly stare.

"She's been coming her all week," Hara commented when he popped his bubble, "It looks like she's been watching you."

Hanamiya sighed, and ordered him to go back to practice.

"This troublesome girl," he muttered under his breath as he approached her.

"Hi, Hanamiya-san!" she greeted happily.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm just watching you practice," [Last Name] answered.

Hanamiya scowled. It's not like he could kick her out. The gym was free for anyone to watch... But it's not often they have a visitor during practice.

She frowned, lowering her [Eye Color] orbs to look at the hands in her lap.

Shit. Did he really upset her that much. Sure, Hanamiya could physically hurt someone on the court, or just in general, but making a girl cry wasn't something he was very keen with.

He sighed again. "Look," he started hesitantly, "it's fine. I don't care what you do."

Instantly, [Last Name] brought her gaze back up to him, a grin forming on her face. "Thank you, Hanamiya-san!"

He grumbled a "your welcome," and went back to practice.

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