Get Away From Me

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I didn't mean to punch Will, it just happened.

I was sitting shoulder to shoulder with Thalia, when the good-for-nothing, blond-haired, pea-brained son of apollo decided to step into the conversation between me, Annabeth, Thalia, Percy, and Jason.

We were discussing our curse or more, I was being threatened by Jason, even though he knew I had no interest in Thalia anyway.

Mine and Thalia's faces were red, and I was already on edge when Will walked up, holding the hand of who I now knew to be Cooper, from the Hecate cabin. 

"Hey, guys! I was coming to ask about earlier, you were screaming, and then you were fine. You went on as if nothing happened!"

"It's none of your business," I mumbled under my breath. I knew he needed to know, seeing as he was the main healer at camp, but if he knew...

"What's that Sunshine?" Will asked, the blinding smile never leaving his face. 

So I punched him. Not on purpose, of course. It was an accident. But his startled yelp and bloody nose did make me want to smile. 

"Nico!" Jason scolded,while I saw Percy out of the corner of my eye trying to hold in a laugh. 

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

I then was kicked in the back of my knees by Cooper, forcing me to the ground.

I heard the sound of a sword being drawn, and then the smell of ozone filled the air. I couldn't see what was happening, as my face was in the dirt and a foot was on my back, but I bet that Cooper had drawn his sword, and Jason was getting antsy. Thalia was probably laughing at my delima. 

Cooper lifted his foot and I heard him back away slowly. I stood, expecting a stern talk about randomly punching people, but what I found was a heck of a lot worse.

Chaos, red skin and all, was standing over me and Thalia, who hadn't strayed more than two feet from me outside since this morning. He was now dressed in an Elvis like get-up, and he was glaring at Cooper. 

"Were you just going to harm Nico? Just because he punched your boyfriend? Shame on you. You should know that these two are under my protection, and unless you are destined to fight, I would suggest you back off."

Me and Thalia were staring at the primordial with shock in our eyes. 

We weren't the only ones either. All of camp was watching as an all powerful being was on a rant about how far one thing calls for, and that Cooper should learn to control his temper.

When Chaos finally shut up, Chiron was the first to make a sound. He cleared his throat, making everyone turn their heads towards him. "Children, Please welcome Chaos, creator of the universe. I know you have questions, but it is not up to me if they are to be answered. Thalia? Nico? What do you say?"

I opened my mouth to respond, no, we will not tell the whole camp we are cursed, when Chaos went, 

"Ooh! They're my OTP! So I made a deal with them, that I would not allow for Nyx to use their blood to raise Tartarus if they were okay with a twist! They said yes to save you lot, and now they are on the track to destiny! Or cursed as they call it. Any harm done to one will happen to the other, and they cannot be out of each other's presence. They also have a prophecy! Though I don't think you know that yet. It's supposed to happen soon. Don't hurt my besties! Toodle-oo!" 

Right after he said goodbye, Thalia punched him. He smiled at her and disappeared, causing us to look at each other wit worried glances. We knew about the 'can not be out of each other's presence' thing, but hurt one of us and the other get's hurt too? Ow. I was secretly grateful this was all happening after the Pit because Thalia would have gone with him, and she would have died in that jar most likely, killing us both. 

Yup. Happy thoughts. 

He also just revealed to the whole camp that we were cursed. By an all powerful being. And on the track to destiny? Did that mean this was destined to happen? I was so confused and dazed by my thoughts, I didn't notice Thalia and I being ushered to the Hades cabin, nor the force Percy used when he pushed me to sit on my bed. 

"Talk. Why did you punch Will." Percy asked, finally pulling me out of my thoughts.

I shrugged in reply, looking down at my feet. 

"Nico," Percy said in a warning tone. 

"I liked him, okay? Then when I finally was going to tell him, I found he was already with Cooper, and I didn't even know he liked boys. That's why I was in that stupid forest in the first place." I spat the words out, the venom in my voice growing.

"Dude. You have no luck." Percy said, drawing a groan from me. 

"You are seriously and idiot sometimes Percy. We are not focusing on gossip, we need to be focusing on what Chaos said!" Annabeth said, giving her boyfriend a good natured slap upside the head.

"Destined path? Prophecy? What in the world is an OTP?" Thalia asked, causing Jason to snort.

"Piper goes on and on about how the Aphrodite cabin won't shut up about their OTPs. They have a whole bookshelf in the back full of scrapbooks and video tapes. They have Percabeth, Tratie, Caleo, Frazel, Jiper, and the list keeps going. They think you're a couple or should be one, they put it on the shelf. OTP means one true pairing." 

I felt my face heat up. Chaos wanted us to be a couple. The most powerful being in the universe.

I looked over to Thalia. Her face was red as well, and she looked like she was going to pass out. Not that she would let anyone know.

Leo barged into the cabin, out of breath. "Come quick- Rachel- big one!"

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