Chapter 7

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I watched my body open my eyes, well, I guess it was Jay's body for the time being.

“What is going on?!” My anger, what I called Yellow, suddenly contorted; lashing out irrationally forming punches and kicks. I used my mother’s defence skills; or tried, as I has trained in the body I was trying to fight - so it was proving challenging.

I quickly got the hang of it, flooring myself and holding her neck. “Listen. He is not here. A friend and I have somehow switched bodies; I do not know how but I am trying to get my head around the situation before taking a plan of action of how to get us back. Understand?”

Yellow’s head bobbed once, showing she understood. “I will leave him alone, but as soon as you return we must all have a conversation about how this happened. If he does come back, we will take control no matter what the situation. Please find a way as soon as you can. I will not be this pleasant again. Goodbye.”

Jay’s eyes drifted shut, and I just hoped he could find his way back. While I waited for him, I decided to go back to Sam’s Teenager Lessons; so as my ‘poshness’ wouldn’t be so obvious.


“I see you baby, shaking that ass-” She swayed her hips, dancing along to music in the background as she made a bottle of milk for the baby I held earlier.

I gasped, interrupting Sam’s singing. She swore! She looked at me, waiting for me to explain.

“You said...”

Sam looked expectantly at me. “What? Oh.” Realisation clouded her features, as she understood what I was now talking about. “You know, normal teenagers swear at least three times a day.”

“But, I’ve never sworn in my LIFE.”

“Start now.” Sam suggested, almost as if she were discussing the weather. She gave the baby her bottle, who sat in her high chair.

“Ah-ss?” I forced out.

Sam snorted, bursting into hysterics at my futile attempt.

“Ah!” The baby giggled waving her bottle about a little, before Sam guided it back to her mouth.

“Oh, where are my manners?” Sam muttered to the baby, talking to her; before turning to me. “This is my baby sister, Taylor, and my parents are at work for the rest of the weekend so there’s no worries about the whole body switching problems. What about your parents?”


I opened my eyes feeling mentally drained of all the voices. I eventually persuaded the lights to go into the boxes; which alone took me ages to visualise; then I had a short nap. I needed coffee, or some form of caffeine to get my brain together. For the meantime, I had to deal with being a girl until Sam, Zara and I could figure out a way to get us back to normal.

I heard giggling coming from the kitchen, Sam’s mixed with Taylor’s, and I smiled to myself as I made my way out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

“My parents are still reigning the country, my country, a small island near what I believe you call Greece. I was born there, and I came here as an escape from being in an arranged marriage with this self-centred bigot named Prince Harold Theyroy. So, I asked my mother if I could travel before taking my place, with a new husband. That last part I’m not looking forward to, but I need a little bit of freedom before....” Zara trailed off. What did that mean?

“I know, Zed-Em. Jayden and I, we used to be badass – going to parties and clubs every night. But, then little Taylor came along, and we both instantly fell in love with everything about her. The only problem was, our friends still invited us to those parties, but as mum has to work half the week to keep us; we have to look after her until she’s old enough to do it herself.” Sam confessed. I remembered those days, not missing them one bit. My heart, liver and stomach are probably much better off now than back then!

 “Ay!” Taylor squealed, which was my name.

“No, for now that’s Zara love.” Sam said softly.

“Taylor doesn’t believe that I’m Zara, but I just hope I get my body back really soon.” Zara sighed. 

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