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                                                My head, it was like going to explode from the ache... looks like someone jabbed it hard and left it fractured as I can sense the soreness of stinging shock waves all over my side face. My breathing rate was off its limit and my heart; it must've gone crazy by the moment the way it was slamming itself against my ribs seems that it wants to crack them up. My eye lashes happened to be bind with my cornea I can't help opening them up, distressingly I struggled and it worked my eyes started to unbound, my sight was coming back from the infinite darkness now I will not be blind anymore.

The happiness was outrageous but the sight I able caught then was not that pleasing. I was happy that my sight came back finally but I didn't know that stepping out from the dark leads to the dark in the real world too. With the light moan, I helped lifting my back that my eyes start investigating the place; I didn't get much contentment when I found it was the same place I thought that nightmare was over but it didn't. The sting from my head wound generates again, I can't help my hand to knead that place and so when it touched a small groan just lead out through my breath and something warm felt by my hand that I dragged it down to see, it was gleaming red with my blood. How it can be possible?

I was sitting there until my back ached, just wondering how it can be possible? I then rolled my head to the left, my eyes fixed on my shoulder like if they don't want to belief the bitter truth but how can I possibly run away from this of what was happening inside my head? My eyes just then witnessed the inescapable truth, the wound which was still fresh but a little bit old was still there on my shoulder; the wound seems getting healed fast... with my flabbergasted face and wide open eyes a question arises in my mind, 'If the wound's still there then this means ,the one who gave it to me is also here, but how's that possible if I was just out for some time and my wound is like healing fast?'.

With the wince I got my answer, without any delay I prodded my first two fingers of right hand straight in to my mouth as if I want to believe it through my eyes! And my both fingers came out drenched with blood that I can't help the tears to remained there in my eyes more longer that they start streaming down through my cheeks. With the hazy glance I see him sitting as if he was lost in his thoughts, his one hand under his chin and the other in his lap as he was sitting that involves his back aiming to me.

"Why you did this? Why?" I spoke out, breaking the crucial silence that he at once cringes and then stands with flabbergasted face his surprised eyes dug deep on me. At that time I was able to catch the ground beneath me and I was shambling my way to him that he starts moving backward in response,

"Stay away from me..." He said deplorably and then froze where he was when I got so close to him,

"I didn't do anything." he protested that I grabbed him from shoulder, my face so close to his,

"Then what is this?" I said aloud with my desperate voice and then pulled out his right hand, his wrist was incised from the vein area and a mass of blood was all around it just parched roughly. He winced at once and let go off my grip from which I was holding his arm and straight goes somewhere he knows I can't breach. I was then alone in the darkness once again, my heart was just crying out with the blood tears it seemed that it was ripped in to thousands bits, tears start filling my eyes then as I can't help the pain to tear my heart more longer, with the big gulping of tears through my throat I landed on my knees and then concealed my head in my both hands, small snivels of my weep start reverberating through the rocks restricted ravine.

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