Crossing Paths.

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The smell of phenol I never knew could be that tiresome, my lungs were just about to ice up from some kind of cold gas that was heavily entering in through my nose, freezing it literally. I was coming back from the sick vertigo stage back to some world which I don't even know if that's a nightmare or not. My dizzy eyes start investigating the place which fairly resembles some kind of small quarter white washed completely; nothing filled the room except for the side tables that were then crammed with some sort of pills, injections, reserved medicines, some tablets and a few bottles of syrups that were arranged well-mannered.

"Please give us some more time, he didn't recovered yet..." someone spoke, certainly the voice seems feminine.

"I have my orders Doc. He could happen to be dangerous..." some type of graved voice then disapproved strongly by her calculus.

"HE'S JUST SOME HELPLESS PATIENT WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT. I can't believe that I'm saying this but He's coming to life... I can feel it... he's coming back from the comma after struggling for four months... and so I don't wanna ruined that these are the Hospital's Regulation Clarification... You can't argue with these I'm sure..." she replied courageously.

"What are these?" He asked again in his grave voice but confusedly.

"These are some rules made by our Hospital that says, 'No one can't confiscate a patient until he/she is discharged by their doctor after sequence of tests that showed their gained health, progressing metabolism and their recovering physical condition.' until then you keep dreaming." She said again with admired valor.

"And who's his Doctor? I can sure tell that to him except wasting my fortitude with you." He replied angrily.

"Well, sorry for your running out fortitude... I am his doctor. There's something I want to discuss with you" She answered him but changed the topic quickly,

"And what's that?" He asked in lowered voice.

"Well, two days ago I was running some tests on him in late night, City Scanning his brain to see if its recovering or not that his glucose level just dropped and his beats just gone crazy by the moment that I anxiously shut down the machine mechanism and rushed to him but he just lead out a terrible scream of pain, to my surprise his left shoulder starts bleeding and his arms began compelling at his back I quickly gave him adrenaline that his body starts recovering back to normal. No one was there with him except me... But the one thing disturbs me the whole night that I can't sleep." She ended leaving him surprised.

"What was that?" He asked in doubt.

"Well, the wound that appeared on his shoulder from nowhere when I examined it carefully that night... it appeared to be some kind of gums lesion as if his blood was being drunk from that site but I can't tell how and why?." She replied him; by the moment I was so thirsty that I lead out my hand to the side table where I see a glass of water but my quivering hands just can't bear its heaviness and it just slipped from my hand, with a shrill clatter it hit the ground crumbled.

The door instantly jabbed open and two men rushed inside, they held me from my arms while the lady doctor shrieked entered with some third heavy looking man entered heading straight to me and stood aside my bed. My heart was pounding off its limits as I don't have then any strength with which I respond their formidable harass and I don't even know what was going on. With my flabbergasted eyes, I was totally helpless that He stabs my head with his elbow. His powerful stroke just shakes out the brains in me and then I have no idea about it all just immerse dark that takes me in its inevitable lap once again...

With a light moan I opened my eyes, same room, same smell, and same inexorable reality. My head seems like being stabbed against the rock, 'What's happening to me? What the hell were those men?'...

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