Don't touch me

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Liam's POV

"Thank you Miami!" Harry yells as we all run off the stage waving at our fans.

"Great show boys!" Paul says smiling at us as we hurry down the steps to give him a hug.

"Thanks Paul!" Harry and Zayn say at the same time.

We all pull away from the hug making small talk about the concert. Harry was talking about some hot girl he saw in the crowd, Niall was talking about how he was craving some Nandos, Zayn just really wanted to go look in a mirror and Louis... Well he was being Louis.

"I'm going to go take a shower" I inform Paul, he nods and I quickly make my way towards the tour bus.

"Hey Liam, wait up!" Harry says running up to my side and throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey buddy!" He says pulling me closer to him, almost making me trip over my foot.

"Hello Harry" I say politely, sending him a small smile.

"Do you remember tonight when your voice cracked and everyone started cooing?" He asks, his famous cheeky smile that girls faint over appears on his face.

"God Harry, leave me alone!" I demand, a pout taking over my lips

"No, no, no, I thought it was cute!" He says pecking my pouty lips

Wow, that was... wow. Why the fuck would he kiss me? I'm so confused and the fact that I want him to do it again is driving me mad.

"Liam- Are you okay?" Harry asks, waving his hands in my face trying to get my attention.

I don't answer. I'm to caught up in what just happened to speak.

"Liam? He questions grabbing my hand

That snaps me back into reality.

"Don't touch me!" I say, backing away from him, glaring slightly.

"Liam? What's wrong?" He questions reaching for me again

"I said don't touch me!" I yell, I quickly turn around and walk towards the tour bus leaving behind a very confused and sad Harry.

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