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Liam's POV

"Can we go to the beach when we get there? Oooooh or maybe we can go to dinner since its getting kind of late... But I really do want to go to the beach... But I'm really hungry also... What do you think we should do Sugar plum?!" Sophia questions looking at her nails

I cringe at the pet name she gave me... Sugar plum, dear god...

"Whatever you want to do is fine with me" I say smiling sweetly

"Well I want you to pick!" She whines

"How about I take you out for a picnic on the beach" I say mentally shooting myself

"Awe Pumpkin! That's so romantic!" She squeals tackling me in a hug

"Is there a pig on this jet?!" Niall shouts poking his head above the seats

Sophia looks over at Niall and glares

"Are you going to let him talk like that to me?!" She whisper/yells

"Oh it's fine he's just messing with you!" I say waving her off

"RIGHT NIALL?" I yell not caring what his answer was

"Of course I was joking!" He says

"OINK, OINK" He mocks laughing

Sophia gasps smacking my arm

"Say something or so help me god!" She sneers gripping my jacket collar

"OK, OK gosh, calm yourself" I say patting her hand trying to calm her down

I turn around glaring at Niall

"Niall, stop patronizing Sophia, and Sophia don't egg Niall on" I say turning back to look at Sohia's expression

"Joking babe" I say kissing her nose

"Liam, can I please speak with you for a moment?" Harry questions tapping my shoulder

                                               *Harry's POV*

"Oh yeah course" Liam says standing up

"Thanks" I say turning away and walking towards the back of the plane

What if he rejects me? He's not even gay... What if he starts laughing in my face? What if he feels disgusted by me? What if he stops talking to me all together? No, I can't do this again! I need to get it off my chest, and I need to let him know how I feel, now.

"Harry? Harry are you OK?" Liam asks waving his hand in my face

"Oh-um yeah, sorry" I say ruffling my curls

You got this Styles, just play it cool

"So..." He says awkwardly

"Sooo" I mock leaning against the wall

"AHHH" I yell when the wall collapse from beneath me

"Oh my god, are you OK Harry" Liam asks

"Yeah I'm fine" I say standing up my cheeks turning a crimson red

"That was a pretty nasty fall" He states giggling

So much for playing it cool

"Oh-um yeah Ha, I meant to do that see I knew that this was an unstable wall and I just wanted to make you laugh, and um yeah guess it worked, so yeah talk to you later" I say quickly walking away

"God I'm such a fuck up" I mutter under my breath

                                                             *Niall's POV*

"Ha Nice move Harold!" I mock

After watching Harry make a complete and utter fool of himself, I just had to go and 'comfort' Harry about his miraculous mess up.

"Oh shut up! At least I was gonna tell Liam I liked him! You don't even have the balls to tell him so!" Harry says crossing his arms

"Oh stop being such a drama queen! It wasn't that bad" I lie biting my lip

"And I do have the balls to tell Liam I like him... I'm simply waiting for the right time" I say pouting

"You don't have to lie to me Niall, I know I looked like a fool! And when will the 'right time' be? Hm? Liam's straight. Do you know what that means Niall? That means he likes girls, not boys. We were shitting ourselves if we actually thought Laim would ever want to be with us!" Harry says rubbing his face in annoyance 

"You're right, Liam would never want to date us... He would want to date me, not me and you!" I say chuckling

"Ha-ha" Harry says his tone laced with annoyance

"Look Harry, you just have to calm down, and take a deep breath" I soothe

"It's going to be OK, I'm sure everything will turn out fine!" I say when I notice his eyes starting to cloud with tears

"Harry, Harry please don't cry!" I beg

No answer

"Harry don't do this I'm warning you!" I threaten

No answer

"Harry, mate, come on! If you start crying, I'm going to start crying!" I say

No answer

"Harryyyy" I whine

"Niall, shut-up" He says wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket

"Harry will you promise me something?" I question slowly

"Depends on what it is" He says turning his body to face me

"Promise me that no matter what happens, we'll always be there for each other. No matter who Liam chooses, that we'll always be friends" I say grabbing his hand

Harry looks at me for moment, his expression is unreadable-

"I promise"


It's been awhile hasn't it? Sorry for the late update but I kind of lost inspiration for this story, but as you can tell I've gained it back:D

So I hope you like this chapter, I didn't go back and revise this, so I'm sorry if there are any errors!

Also I've started a new story, It's called Numb, and it would mean a lot if you guys could check it out:)

So yeah, vote and comment if you liked it.... And if you didn't well then vote and comment! :D


Torn (Zianourry)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin