Love maybe?

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"Are you sure you want to know?" I question nervously

"I'm sure" She says softly

I'm sure she'll understand...

"Well, I just realized that I'm in love.... I've been denying it for awhile, but now I know- now I know that I'm in love with Harry Styles" I say looking up at her


Liam's POV 

"What" She whispers

"Oh my god, no I didn't mean that! I don't know what's wrong with me! I must have eaten something funny!" I lie standing up

"What" She repeats her eyes watering

"Please baby, I'm so sorry" I say walking towards her

"WH- No! GET AWAY FROM ME!" She yells


"NO! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" She yells interrupting me

"What's up with all the yelling?" Harry says walking in

"What happened to Sophia?" He questions walking closer

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" She yells running at Harry

"AH! WHAT THE?!" He yells running away from her

"COME BACK HERE YOU CURLY FREAK!" She yells chasing him around the couch


*Harry's POV*

 "WHAT DID I DO?!" I yell trying to our run her

Holy shit this girl is fast

"You stole my fucking boyfriend!" She yells tears streaming down her face

I come to a complete stop and turn around "What?" I question confused

"D-don't pretend like you don't k-know" She hiccups falling to her knees

"No, I really don't know! Just tell me what happened" I beg grabbing her hands

"You really don't know?" She questions looking up at me

"No, I really don't" I whisper

"L-Liam, he-he" She stops trying to compose herself

"It's OK, you can tell me" I whisper gripping her hands tighter

I really don't like Sophia, but seeing her now, like this, just so- so broken, makes me feel like shit...

"HE LOVES YOU!" She yells burying her face in my neck


"W-what?" I whisper

"Listen Sophia I'm really, really sorry about what happened between you and L-Liam... But I have to go, and um well, I just have to go!" I say standing up

"Are you going to be OK?" I question when I reach the door

"Yeah... I guess I'm just going to call someone to come and get me" She says sadly

"Oh, OK"

"Tell Liam that I still love him, and that I will never stop loving him.... No matter what" She says standing up

"Will do" I mumble walking inside

"LIAM!" I yell

No response


"Is in the kitchen" Niall says cutting me off

"Thanks!" I say quickly, running into the kitchen

"Harry?" Liam questions lifting his face from his hands

I quickly walk over to him, my legs stretching as far as they can.


I cut him off by slamming my lips into his

"I love you too" I mumble into his lips

He moans in response wrapping his arms around my waist

I was so caught up in our kiss- he was an AMAZING kisser...

He was the first to pull away, sighing as he did so.

"I'm so, so sorry" He whispers resting his forehead against mine

"It's OK" I whisper breathlessly

"No, no it's not... Because I'm not just in love with you! I'm in love with three other people! I don't think I can do this anymore!" He mumbles pulling away from me

"What do you mean you're in love with three other people?! That's a lot of people LIAM! I thought you actually loved me... I was just fooling myself wasn't I?" I question

"I-I do love you- It's just that I love the other boys to, and-and it's just not fair to you! It's not fair to me!" He yells pulling at his hair

"Y-you love- Oh my god" I whisper shaking my head

"I-I'm so sorry" He mumbles looking up at me

"It's fine" I say confidently

Is it fine? Is it really OK? Am I really OK with this? I don't even know anymore. I'm so caught up and Liam it's hard to know what's wrong and right...

He looks at me his eyes filled with desperation "NO IT'S NOT!" He yells punching the wall

I jump back in surprise

"LIAM STOP!" I yell

"I'm so sorry" He whispers slowly sliding down the wall

"I already told you that it was OK" I say walking towards him

"Please-please don't tell that it's OK... Because it's not" He mumbles

"Liam, Look at me" I whisper

He slowly lifts his face up, his eyes puffy and red, but he still looks beautiful as ever

"I love you-"

"Stop" He begs his eyes pleading

"No you have to hear this... I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. I have loved to for 2 years, 10 months, and 47 days..." I pause laughing quietly

"It might sound weird that I know that, but-but It's just that, you are so perfect. You're the most whole-hearted person I have ever met, you're sweet, kind, and beautiful, inside and out. I love you, Liam James Payne" I whisper, tears slowly slipping down my face

He looks at me, his eyes filled with tears...

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I question shakily


What do you guys think Liam's answer will be? I mean I can see it going both ways- He could say no because he doesn't want to lead Harry on, just to brake his heart in the end... Or he could say yes, because he loves Harry too much to let him go... Tell me what you guys think in the comments below:)

Sorry if this chapter sucked:P I just wanted to quickly update for all my lovely readers:D

So I hope you liked it, please vote AND comment, because it really does mean alottttt:D

Love you ALLLL<3


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