Ninja Oreo

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Liam's POV

It has been exactly 2 days, 5 hours and 45 minutes, since Harry kissed me and I can't stop thinking about it. Half of me feels I went to far, and that I over reacted. But the other half of me thinks that he got what he deserved, I mean I did tell him not to touch me, and he still did. I haven't talked to any of the boys since that incident and none of them have tried to talk to me. I'm sort of glad that no one bothered me, but it kind of makes me feel like they wouldn't even care if I just left.

I groan shifting positions on my bed. I could faintly hear all of the boys as they watched a movie and chatted aimlessly. I sigh scooting over to the side of my bed, Maybe if I just quickly slip out there grab some food and come back in here, no one will notice me. I fling my legs over the side of the bed and use my arms to prop myself up. I rub my eyes hoping to rid them of sleep, but it wasn't doing much. I push myself up holding onto the side of the top bunk as all my blood rushes from my head to the other parts of my body. I shake my head and walk over to the curtain and slowly poke my head out. All the boys eyes were drawn to the T.V.

"OK Liam, you got this! All you do is go Ninja Oreo and grab some crackers quietly and make it safely back to my room! GO! GO! GO!" I prep myself. I quickly and quietly slip out from behind the curtain and walk over to the cupboard, opening it slowly.

"Creakkk" Shiz I quickly duck behind the counter hoping none of the boys heard the creak

I slowly lift my body up to look over the counter, only to be greeted by four, very attractive faces hovering over me, their faces contorted in confusion.

"Why are you on the floor LiLi?" Niall speaks up holding his hand out for me to take

"I dropped something" I quickly lie pushing myself up from the floor ignoring Niall's hand

Niall retracts his hand and nods his head

"Um-OK, well do you want to watch a movie with us? We could watch Toy Story?" Louis asks looking over his shoulder at the T.V.

"As tempting as that sounds, I would prefer to just go to sleep if that's OK?" I say walking over to the cupboard grabbing out the box of crackers

"Oh come on Li! We haven't seen you in 2 days!" Niall pouts stealing a cracker from my hand

"No I'm good. I'm just going to go to sleep" I say handing the crackers to Niall and walking past them

"Hey! Come on! It's one movie!" Harry yells

I sigh and turn around. "I guess one movie wouldn't hurt" I say walking past them and sitting on the reclining chair

"HURRY UP BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!" I yell to them rolling my eyes

"OK Daddy!" Louis mocks walking over to me a jumping into my lap

I freeze and take a deep breath. "Hey Lou, Do you mind getting off of me?" I question nicely

"Sorry mate but I'm comfy!" He says leaning back, sticking his face into my neck

"Get off" I say slowly

"Uggghhh! You're such a.. a- you're a butt face!" He says breathing on my neck

"How come Louis can touch you but I can't!?" Harry asks sounding hurt

"I don't want him touching me! I don't want any of you to touch me! This little muffin just wont get off me!" I say pushing Louis off me

He lands on the floor with an 'umph'

"Ouch! Damn Liam! You could have just asked politely!" Louis says dramatically

"OK, well this was a bad idea.. Goodnight guys!" I say and quickly walk out of the room ignoring their pleas telling me to stay

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and plop down onto my bed.

I can't help myself from falling for them! I can't just not stay away from them, and I can't complain every time they touch me! I just-I just have to try to stay away from them. I sigh taking my headphones out and sticking them in my ears.

"Goodnight" I whisper to myself falling asleep to "Tell Me A Lie" By-Well us.

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