Chapter 1

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For the third week in a row I've been at the club. I just like to party at times why not chill? I don't do anything with the boys I meet ,but I am single and  I am trying to have fun. I know I'm a women and trust that's all I act like. I don't throw my ass in a circle on any living thing. Better yet I don't throw my ass in a circle at all I know the difference between having fun and hoeing. I'm currently at work reminiscing to myself.

"Leah you need to file that paper work on that client that you just sat with." My bossy ass boss told me yet again.

"Okay." I said in more of a shut the fuck up and get out my face tone.

I'm a therapist its crazy ,because I never really got along with them when I went as a kid now my ass is sitting right her trying to solve somebody else's problem. I love what I do ,but you won't believe what some of these people be telling me.

Bff👯💞: Lunch thot?
Leah: Yes hoe. Where? And time?
Bff👯💞: 3:45 and at steak and shake

Living in Indiana is crazy ,because these people be having me all bent out of shape. Have you ever just been minding your business and somebody just mind your business with you? That's how these hoes are. Off to lunch I go.

"Le you need to slow down big dog. Stop being a hoe." I swear Cherish think she a preacher and I'm not a hoe.

"Listen Cece I'm going to tell you this now. I don't care anymore. I feel like everything in me is lost ,so why try to explain this shit? And by the way hoe is not on my record." I spat back at her.

"Your a therapist ,but you keep your feelings inside all the time blurt that shit out to somebody you work with." Is she stupid like I actually get down with them hoe's

"I don't trust em to tell em my business that's its that's all. I'm about to quit this job and I promise I'm going to stop 'hoeing' as you call it. I'm going to go back to school."

As if I'm not already tired with this conversation. I thought I was suppose to be enjoying my lunch with my best bitch. I have a sports scholarship for basketball I played PG ,volleyball its a women best friend ,and track and field because every time I stepped on the field I felt like Usian Bolt (actual Jamaican runner).

"Cece I have to get back to work. I'll call you later."

"Okay. Bye Le remember you need to change."

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I know I thought to myself. Change what though? I made my way to my car. It wasn't anything special ,because I don't have all the money in the world to be having anything 'SPECIAL'. Its a navy blue Chevy I've had it since my senior year of High School.

Of course the office was very busy when I came back. It was like rush hour in a therapist clinic. I just walked straight to my office and sat down. I pulled open my laptop and started to look for affordable colleges in my area. I'm determined to have a better life. For the sake of my life and my best friends ,because she cares about me so much.

A/N I'm from Chicago (ChiTown) BABY.... so excuse me if my Indiana landscapes aren't accurate

Thanks Much Love😘📚

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