Lie Jack Lie

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I walk back in the house pups at my heels. I was exited because Mark, Wade and Bob were going to call me on Skype and play games for new videos for my birthday. I flipped on the lights. "SURPRISRE!!!" I jumped back clutching Anna, while the pups grabbed my legs. Then I saw Mark, Bob and Wade holding balloons. I started to laugh, the pups looked at me in confusion and I noticed my friends were doing the same. I bent down to my knees and so not even another wear wolf could hear me, I told the pups these were my friends from the internet and to not let them see their wolf forms. I stood back up and grinned. "Mark! Bob! Wade!" I said and ran and hugged them. "What are you doing here?" I backed up. " Well, we said we would play games on your birthday which is tomorrow!" Mark said happily, " Who are those little ones?" Bob asked. I gave them the look and they got into line. "Max!" "Sam!" "Alex!" "Dan!" "Tim!" "Lilly!" "Annabella?" I smiled and picked Anna back up and whispered, "You got it right!" and she smiled too. Lilly stepped up to me, "Daddy are these those YouTubers?" she asked. Before I could answer bob came and kneeled down, "Yes we are, you are Lilly right?" Bob asked and she squealed and hugged him knocking him over, I laughed. "Go play." I said to the pups and walked over to the play area to put Anna down, when I came back the pups were gone and the guys were staring at me. I looked at them and sighed, I needed an explanation. Those pups were everything to me they were the only ones left of my pack. Mark looked at me with curiosity, "So, what is with all the children?" he asked and I told him and the others most of the truth. That they were mine and that I had found them and couldn't part with them a few years ago. See mostly truth. Mark, Bob and Wade just started to laugh and I just smiled.

Wow 5 veiws already thank you! I just wantex to say that my computer is broken. I have no idea what happened  (i might have dropped it a few times). It is getting fixed and I already have a few more chapters saved on my phone so yeah. Thank and I will see all you in the next video Buh bye! (●)_

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