
89 6 2

Published: dec 02, 2016

Dan honestly didn't know what to feel.

          Dan knew that after his mother found out about his addiction to drinking, his mother had begun to hate him to the point of ignoring him for until when he stopped. But Dan never expected his donor to be his mother.

          His mother had only one working kidney left.

          "B-But it can't be her," he explained to them a few seconds after the big revelation. "She only has one working kidney. You've got to find another donor, (Y/N). I'm begging you - it just can't be her."


           "Don't Daniel me!" Dan raised his voice, causing (Y/N) to flinch slightly. "I'm not accepting her as my donor! Find me another one, or I die."

           "The thing is, Daniel, we don't have another choice!" They flailed their arms. "I've asked all of your family members if they were willing, Dan. I've travelled to the ends of the city just to meet them and ask for a few seconds, 'Hey, your family member needs a kidney. Willing?' Just to be shut out. Daniel, we really don't have any other choice."

           "Then leave me here to rot," he replied indignantly, crossing his arms and averting his gaze from PJ and (Y/N). "I'm not taking my mother's only working kidney."

            "Your mother also signed the contract already," (Y/N) began to pull a few papers from one of their folders and handed it to him. "Just in case you wanna see."

           As Dan looked through the papers, he began to realize what grave mistake he's committed all throughout the years. His eyes, now blurry with tears, still scanned the paper, not missing a page without her signature on it.

           Dan wanted to get better. In all truth and honesty, he did. Undeniably and indisputably so, he was desperate to heal himself. But not this way. Not through taking away the only thing his mother had left for herself.

           Dan looked up to (Y/N) just to see them look at him with sorry eyes, something he always hated. In a flash, they put down their papers, stood up, and wrapped their arms around Dan's broad shoulders, offering him a shoulder to cry on. The aforementioned, now deciding to remember all his regrets at once, cried. PJ left the room silently.

           "It's okay, it's going to be okay," they whispered into his ear comfortingly, providing soft kisses on his temples as a bonus. Each sob that had escaped his lips was a regret, and Dan knew he had many.

           (Y/N) pulled away from the hug and took the papers from his hands. They placed them carefully in the folder and pushed his shoulders back, demanding him to lie down whilst still sobbing and heartbroken. They hummed a tune of a lullaby softly, running their hands through Dan's hair in comfort as he sporadically wiped his tears away.

          A few minutes into this, they stopped and held his hand. "Dan, I'm afraid I can't really stay too long. I have a meeting with a few people from work."

           "Could you stay?"

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