The Start

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7 years since my father's death everything changed. 

The colors of my life started to diminished leaving only the colors black and white. I was 8 when he passed away due to a car accident . It's been 7 years but i still cant forget him

Today I'm sitting under his favorite tree in the park watching people go by laughing and smiling.

I glanced at my watch "Oh shit it's already 8:00! " i exclaimed . I dashed to school huffing and puffing. I was drenching in my sweat when i reached the school. I ran to the gate hoping to go inside but a voice stopped me

"stop right there!" a familiar voice shouted . I looked up to the balcony and saw the headmaster Mr.Oshio . "Emily Yuki report to the headmaster's office right now!" he said. After getting screamed at for about half an hour he let me off with just a warning.

It's already second lesson I'm so dead. I hurried towards my classroom. As soon as i stepped inside a voice shouted " Oh look the nerd is here" followed by a roar of laughter. I know that voice it's Vanessa Ariyato's the school's bully. I looked down and quietly sat in my seat. The full time she kept on taunting 'nerd''worm''weirdo' but I never replied. Just as about I was going explode the bell rang. Thank the lord!

I quicky got up and outside the classroom but somebody grabbed my arm.

"Where are u going? Nerd" Vanessa said. I tried to get away but her gang surrounded me 

"You think u can walk away from me! Learn your place or else you'll be dead like ur father"

Tears stared to form but I held it back. "Don't talk about my father" I stammered 

"Oh no! the nerd has a voice" she said in between her laughter 

"You were so late we all thought you went to join your hell!"

That was what made me punched her right in her face. And it was just my luck that the Principal saw me doing it. 

"Emily! Vanessa in my office right now!" he shouted 

He asked us about the fight and he let Vanessa go in five minutes without doing anything to her. Of course after all she's the daughter of one of the board of directors of the school.

He looked at me with disappointed eyes. As if punching someone was a major crime!!!

"Miss Emily the behaviour you displayed today was very inappropriate and the school does not tolerate this kind of behaviour. Therefore I am forced to expel you from this school."

That was how I was  Expelled.

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