Get Ready!

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After that I went home and I realised I didnt know what to tell my mom . She's been a mess since dad's death. I opened the door to find her sitting on the couch with a cup of brandy in her hand. She doesnt work anymore she just lives on the insurance cash she got from dad's death. I remember that when I was young laughter used to fill the house. There were only happy memories of my mom and I. Now there was just emptiness. 

I gather the courage to tell her about what happened today.

" Mom....... Today i was expelled from school" I said

She looked at me with her signature blank face and said " What did u say?"

"I said I was expelled" I replied . After seconds of silence she hurled the glass cup of brandy at me. "You idiot I knew you were a mistake in my life. You are a useless piece of shit . You should have died with your father!" she screamed

She kept on screaming at me but I couldn't quite comprehend what she said. All i could hear in my mind was ' u should have died with your father' . I ran to my room locked myself and cried myself to sleep. 

I woke up feeling empty not knowing what to do with my life. My mom was asleep on the couch in the living room. I tiptoed pass her and went out of the house. I went to sit at the park under my father's favorite tree and a voice said in my mind ' Emily you are useless nobody cares about you just go jump of the bridge and DIE!' 

Without thinking I got up from the tree and looked around for a bridge and I saw Hammingto Bridge next to the park. I walked towards it and in minutes i was climbing over the railing getting ready to jump.

I closed my eyes and thought to myself I'm a waste of space anyways nobody would care if I'm alive or not. I was scared but I told myself you'll meet daddy in heaven and I was about to let go but somebody said "Hey what are u doing"

I looked back and saw a man in his fourties looking at me. 

He said " Don't do it. There is so much in life that you haven't seen"

"Nobody cares. The world doesn't care so why should I care !" I replied 

"What's your name girl?" he asked

"Emily Yuki"    

" Oh the Yuki Family!"   

"Do you know my father? " I asked

"I knew your father. He was a good man. He wouldn't be proud to see you this way"

At the mention of my father I agreed to come down and talk to him.

We went to my father's favorite place and I told him my story. 

" It's ok" he said "I can help you. I'm  Yamori the director of New Lucian Academy and I'm sure New Lucian will be happy to accept such a diligent student like you"

He made me write information about myself and told me to come to the school tomorrow at 8:00 am.

"I'm sorry I cant go to such an expensive school. I won't be able to pay the tuition fee" I said

"Don't worry if you pass the admission test with more than 90 marks then the school will grant you a scholarship" " Come tomorrow to give the test"

He left after giving me his phone number and the address of the school.

I went home thinking of New Lucian Academy and wondering how would it be like to be in such a prestige school. Before going to sleep I said to myself  'Tomorrow I will go there and make Papa proud!' .

Next Morning

I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready . Today is my big day!!! I wore my favorite red sweater and a pair of ripped jeans. 'I think I look fine' I thought and I dashed out of the house.

I jumped on the public bus in front of my house and within 10 minutes I arrived.

The school was beautiful with it's marble walls surrounding it. With just one look I could make out that this school is for high class people and I probably wouldn't fit in.

I turned back getting ready to leave but somebody kept their hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw a sexy angel in a leather jacket and blue ripped jeans. The guy was gorgeous.

His dark brown chocolate eyes were staring right into mine and it's making my heart melt.

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