*Chapter 3*

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I had gotten back into the apartment without being noticed. Kakashi was still asleep, so he didn't see me come in. 

Now I'm laying here on my bed, thinking about all the things that happened. I mean so many things have happened in a matter of two days. My mother died, I'm living with my father, I'm on a team now, and I think I love someone. It's just all so...new. 

 I sighed and got out of bed, it was almost time to go meet up with the team. I got up and got dressed in my normal attire and headed out into the kitchen. 

"Goodmorning" he said. I could see folds in his mask, signaling he was smiling. 

"Morning. How long have you been up?" I asked

"Only an hour or so" he said while looking at his book

I nodded and grabbed a dumpling.

"Ready to go?" I asked

"You go on ahead, I have some business to attend to first" he said getting up.

"Alright, just don't be late" I said sternly before smiling and leaving.

I was walking through the busy streets, when suddenly Sakura showed up in front of me.

"Oh, hey Sakura" I said grinning

There was a blonde girl with her. She had long hair and purple clothing. 

"I have a question for you Kaminari" she said with a serious look on her face.

I furrowed my brow "Alright, go ahead." 

"Have you seen Kaka-sensei's face?" she asked, still with a stern look

Well, now that I think about it...I HAVEN'T seen his face. 

"Umm, no I haven't" I said, still wondering why this was so important. I thought she was gonna ask a serious question

"See! Even SHE hasn't seen his face!" she said turning to the blonde girl.

"Wow, and you LIVE with him. Hmph, I'm Ino by the way" the blonde girl said with a grin.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kaminari" I said smiling. "Umm, why is this so important?" I asked

"Cause no one has seen his face! And he's never given a reason either!" Ino said sighing.

I chuckled "Yeah, I guess that is kind of weird." I sighed looking at the time. "I better go, see ya at the training grounds, Sakura" I said waving and walking away.

When I reached the training grounds, Naruto and Sasuke were already there. 

Naruto noticed me approaching.

"Hey Kami!" he said grinning

Hm, only my mother called me Kami...I shook it out of my mind and put on a fake smile. 

"Morning guys" I said approaching them.

Sasuke kept and emotionless face; he didn't even look at me. This kind of upset me, but I chose not to say anything.

"Hey, where is Kaka-sensei?!" Naruto asked, flailing his arms around.

"Oh, um he should be here soon" I said.

"Hey guys! Hey Sasuke" Sakura said blushing. I don't know why, but that irked me.

He didn't say anything to her either. 

She frowned but didn't say anything. "Where's Kakashi-sensei?" she looked towards me, eyebrows furrowed.

I sweat dropped "He'll be here soon...I think" I said nervously

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