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That feeling when you take the first sip of sweet-smelling, fresh Rooibos tea on a cold day and you feel the warmth crawl through your veins

That lazy feeling of warmed bones and gently burning skin on a warm summer's day after having spent hours in the sun

That soft feeling of having a cat or a dog choose to sleep on your lap, and feeling their warmth on your skin and in your soul

That feeling of having read a powerful book or a striking sentence that resonates within you and that's words seem to have stopped your heart

Friday evenings, when the colourful lights are beating down on dancers and God is whispering into your ear

Quick, shy glances in crowds that hastily return to the ground and then back again, to see if the other noticed you

Long tight hugs, holding the other person close enough to your chest that their soul will meet with yours

Looking into someone's eyes and knowing that that person has shown you their true essence and knowing that you love them even more for it

Thinking of a person or a moment, and the memory is so emotionally strong that it can bring a smile to your face

That feeling when you try new clothes on and they fit perfectly and look good on you and make you feel confident

That feeling when you learn about something you're passionate about; like nature and the earth and human beings

You are happiness and joy and peace and love and you are magical

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