There are galaxies in your eyes

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When I look into your eyes, it's really hard to believe that that's all they are. Eyes. Atoms and molecules and cells and tissues, fixated together to create these beautiful eyes.

Sometimes I see galaxies in your eyes. I see planets colliding and stars imploding and light shooting and it makes me stop sometimes, and think about this whole other universe inside of you.

In your heart there must be teenagers screaming the lyrics to a Nirvana song through numb lips and throbbing temples.

In your head there must be children laughing in nature, playing tag among the daisies and dandelions. Far too innocent to be in charge.

In the deep pit of your belly, there must be young adults, writhing around with pulsating lust and desire.
In your arms and your legs there must be middle-aged adults with briefcases and wrinkles weighing them down, rushing to meetings.

In your soul there must be so many different worlds fighting for a second of your attention, to be blessed enough to be the world you live in.

There are galaxies inside of you and if that doesn't make you realise your worth, then I don't know what will.

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