It's That Time Again... - cute - Zoe♡

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It's That Time Again...
Imagine for Zoe


Well, my day was filled with me ordering Austin around to get me things, since I wasn't in the mood too. I was feeling, as you would call, under the weather; when it's that time of the month for a girl...

"Austin." I mumbled loudly, even though he was right next to me.

"Ice cream?" Austin replied immediately, handing me the tub of ice cream that sat on the desk next to him. I rolled across my bed to get to him, my stomach had been hurting all day. I know walking helps the cramps but I was just not in the mood. Plus, it was gloomy outside and there were still puddles from last night's rain. I had resorted to flopping around my bed all day while Austin accompanied my needs.

I began eating the ice cream quietly, staring at Austin who was busy on his phone. He seemed to be very engaged in social media these days, but I wasn't going to question it. He has his own privacy and I have mine.

My stomach began to feel a cramp again, and I felt like curling up in a ball. I groaned in frustration and Austin already knew what was happening. "Zoe, don't you think it's easier if you just take a walk? I mean, it helps." Austin suggested, finally taking his eyes off the screen of his phone.

"But I don't want to..." I replied lazily, shaking my head. Austin grinned slowly, almost as if he had an idea in his head. Oh no, this is never good.

I shifted around on the mattress, holding my stomach every now and then because of the stupid cramps. I just felt like dying. Why did a girl have to get this every month? Like, why don't guys get this? It's not fair. Do you know how much pain I am in right now?

"I'll be right back." Austin informed me as he set his phone down for the first time in a long while and walked out of the room. Being the curious person I am, I wobbled over and grabbed his phone off the desk. I wasn't an overprotective girlfriend, I just liked using Austin's phone, if that makes sense. Something about using things that aren't mine are more entertaining to me.

I swiped through his apps until a text message popped up at the top of his screen:

Zach Dorsey: I got our girls at my place, come over.

I blinked twice, then a third time, to make sure I was reading this correctly. What the hell is our girls supposed to mean? Is Austin seeing someone else? I was beginning to grow furious, the fact that I was on my period contributing to the factor majorly. Don't ever mess with a girl who's on her period, she will break your neck.

I didn't bother to look through his messages, he would've known that I was snooping. So I gently set his phone down back on the desk, crossing my arms stubbornly afterwards. I was now sitting up against the head of the bed, waiting for Austin to walk back in. As soon as he did, he immediately noticed my vibe change. He stopped walking and plainly stood there, trying to figure out what I had figured out. "Oh no, you didn-"

"Oh yes I did." I retorted before he could even finish. He looked shocked, then he looked away painfully. "Are you cheating on me Austin?"

Austin let out a soft chuckle, which confused me because I would've thought he would be trying to explain himself by now. But he wasn't. In fact, it was the complete opposite actually. He was now laughing as he walked closer to me. "This isn't funny Austin."

His laughter died down, "So you think I'm really cheating on you?". I nodded in response. He began to take his phone, searching for whatever he was going to prove, before turning the screen to show me.

There staring back at me was a picture of Zach and two kittens.

"We adopted them a few weeks ago," Austin explained, "and I was going to give one to you for you birthday as a surprise, but now it's ruined."

I began mentally punching myself for my stupidness. He had kittens? Seriously? But I will admit, that is adorable. And he was going to get me one for my birthday, so that's a plus. I was blushing madly from embarrassment so I rolled onto my side, my back facing Austin, as I tried to hide my face. "You're an idiot." I laughed, my voice muffled since I pulled the blanket over half of my face.

I felt the bed shift awkwardly before an arm wrapped around me from behind. Austin pulled me into somewhat of a hug as we were both lying down. I could honestly fall asleep right now. "I know I am." Austin joked.

"Stop spooning me." I laughed at him. I elbowed his stomach lightly as he grunted in pain. "Don't make me hurt you more. I'm not afraid to." I turned around to face him. His didn't seem to take this as a threat, he knew I was weaker than he was.

"Okay baby." Austin agreed just to make me happy, but I could see a quiet smirk on his face.

"What should we get for dinner?" I asked, running my finger in a circle on the pillow.

"Whatever you want," He answered, playing with the ends of my hair, "Let's order a pizza." Wow, so much for 'whatever I want'.

I laid in bed like a couch potato as Austin ordered us a pizza on the phone. They'd be here in ten minutes but I was already starving. My stomach just didn't feel well after the ice cream and now it feels like I haven't eaten in years.

"Can I have my phone?" I stuck my arm in the air while still laying down, waiting for Austin to put it in my hand.

I felt the device in my grasp and brought the screen to eye level, turning the phone on. I immediately noticed that my lock screen was changed to a picture of Austin, as well as my home screen.

"Aren't I cute?" Austin cooed, poking my shoulder. I turned around to face him and gave him a grin before kissing his nose.

"Sure..." I giggled, cuddling my head in his chest.


It's short but it's cute so. I'm pretty sure every girl can relate to feeling this way during their time of the month. It sucks.

Check out of new one shot for the Fanfic contest if you haven't already. It's on my profile titled Austin Mahone One Shot and it's called Something I Need.



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