01. You and Me

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I was in class not paying attention when I starting thinking about the rest of my day. Today I was meeting Chris for a date. It took awhile,but I finally said yes. I didn't want to let feelings get in the way of our friendship. I feel like he can tell me anything, and I feel like he feels the same way about me. Truthfully my feelings are ridiculously strong for him. He's caring, funny, sweet and truthful. Everything that I want in a guy.

I just hope this goes good because we've been friends for to long for it to just end in shambles. I was his only friend when he moved out here. I only talked to him because I was new before. I knew how it felt to be unsure about everything. The feeling of having mixed emotions because I didn't know how to trust. Mixed in with feeling abandoned because everything you ever know was hundreds of miles away. I knew it could be a lot for someone to handle, and a friend would make the entire process a lot easier. So I stepped in. I've been his friend since he moved here. I helped him with things he didn't know like how to speak German.

Over the years his feelings for me began to show. While my feelings for him grew. I never acted upon them because him and I have a bond. A type of bond I don't want to be broken. We were both picked on over the years because we were different. Him because of his family situation. While me because of my appearance. Like I said we taught each other things. We helped each other get over some of the darkest times in one another's life. When I felt like I was ugly because of my complexion and hated myself he was there. To tell me that I was beautiful. At the time I didn't believe him, but it still felt nice to know that someone cared about how I saw myself. 

When he was ashamed of his mother because she had a child by a man who was already married. I was there. To let him know that she couldn't control who she fell in love with. I truly believed that he should have been thankful for that child. Now he accepts it, but at first he didn't. He hated how she went with a man after his father died. He hated a lot of things including life itself, but through it all I was by his side.

That's what scares me the most. I know that I'm the only one who he has aside from his mom, and at one point in time he couldn't tell her everything because she was the cause of all his pain. If this whole date thing mess up what we have I'll still have my sisters and parents. Even though they don't understand me like he does, they're still there to listen.

"Tomorrow everyone has to bring a newspaper article, and along with it I expect a two page paper on how the topic of your choice affects you." He said it in German though. Mostly everyone speaks German here. Who would have guessed that Germany's official language was German? It took me the longest to catch on. I had to eventually. Everyone and i mean everyone speaks German. I use to get confused all the time because my native tongue isn't even English. It's Hebrew. Now that I know it, I love English. It's my favorite language to speak in. Only because not a lot of people know it. I love having conversations with Chris while no one else have no idea what we're talking about. They know the bad words, but they don't really know what we're talking about.

Yes, me speaking Hebrew means I'm Jewish. Not that many people know though because after the war my dad made us hide it. He said we all barely made it out the first time, so we have to be careful. Only the people who were here before the war know. As long as I've know Chris I haven't told him. My beliefs shouldn't matter to him. I don't believe it doesn't if he hasn't asked his entire time he's known me.

It seemed like the teacher talked for hours. He was going on about the war. i purposely tuned him out. i'm usually a good student. I just don't agree with him. He can say that it didn't need to happen,and that the German people were being manipulated to believe that what they were doing was right until he turns blue. It doesn't make it any better. He wasn't locked up and treated like a animal in a slaughter house. He didn't watch his father get beat senseless for trying to protect his mother's woman hood. As his mom was being taken advantaged of in front of his fathers lifeless to a bloody pulp of a body. I on the other hand was. I was little, but I still had to watch it. They made sure that I watched it too. Any false movement was detrimental to my well being. So I can feel like HE can't tell me anything about the war that I don't already know. 

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