02. You're Safe With Me

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Just like yesterday i was sitting in class not paying attention. Only this time it wasn't the teacher i was ignoring it was my peers. We all had to present our paper newspaper to the class. All of them were about Hitler's nephew. I didn't believe the stories they were telling at all. Hitler's nephew wasn't even his blood nephew according to them. He was his step nephew. They were arguing that his dad had another daughter. Who had a son that had ambition of starting another war. Following the legacy that his uncle created. 

I didn't believe it at all. It sounded like a the newspapers were just trying to make up anything for a story. As much as I didn't believe it I was still shook by them. Just the thought that realistically something like that could happen. Then I'll be taken back into the hell that I nearly escaped ten years ago. I just couldn't bring myself into believing that it was true. I won't. Not until I had proof. Yes, it's intimidating, but stories like this have been circling around since the end of the war. If I believed everything the newspapers said without proof I'd drive myself crazy. 

When Chris got up in front of the class that's when I paid attention. I knew that whatever he picked out wouldn't have anything to do with the  war. He hated it, along with our teacher who loved the war. When he got up I couldn't stop looking at him. His newly blonde hair fitted him extremely well. I don't know why he dyed his hair, but it suited him. He always does the most random things when it comes to his appearance, so who knows why he dyed his hair.

He stood up in class and gave me this look. It wasn't a usual look he gives me. I can tell whatever he was about to say he knew I wouldn't like it. The way his eyes glimmered with disappointment told it all. Te way he took deep breaths before he started to talk didn't help.

He looked away from me as he revealed his new paper article to the class. It said "In List Today." In bold letters. I didn't think anything of it. Mostly every newspaper had something to do with the war, so it made sense that he had one involving the war.

"Why did you of all people choose this article exactly Mr. Brown.?" Mr. Petersen let out a sarcastic laugh before asking. I smiled at the thought that him and I were probably thinking the same thing. Which was Chris had some over analyzed argument, and was going to rip a part the article in every way possible. He always does. The way he analyzed things are what I adore most about him.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Well I chose this article because I have a desire to join the war. Even though I don't agree with the reason for the war or what it stands for, that doesn't take away the fact that as a war solider they pay well."

I was immediately disappointed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He knew how I felt about the war. The way he felt about war I would never guess that he would join one. Every time the war was brought up he rambled on for weeks about how people who tortured other people deserve to burn in hell. He forgot to mention how he secretly desired to be one of them.. Those words angered me the minute they left his mouth. 

Then I immediately became scared. I told him last night what I was? What my family was? If I was aware of what he was or desired to be I wouldn't have told him. I know Chris would never deliberately tell anyone that I was Jewish, but I can't put it pass him. If he would join the side of the war that killed millions of innocent people for the pay. What's stopping him for giving us up? He's proven to me that if the pay is right he'll do just about anything at this point. 

I tuned out the rest of his speak just like everyone else's. He can't make this better. He made me feel stupid. I thought he was different, but he wasn't. since he's the same as everyone in this class he shall receive the same amount attention as everyone else. No attention at all. 

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