Chapter XIX

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a/n: you probably noticed by now how inactive i am here, and how slow the updates are. i have however decided to end outsider at chapter XX. i will begin a Mikoto Suoh x Reader soon. i hope you are looking forward to that. here is the chapter you've been awaiting for.

It's cold. It's dark. Where am I?

I can't hear anything.

I feel numb. Am I dead?

Probably. Oh well. I predicted this. My foolish ego led me to my death.

I'm happy. I am now relieved from all of the weight. Death is such a blessing..

Oh, but I haven't told him yet. Too bad. If I can't survive a mere war, I don't deserve to let him know.

"... -/N]!"

Who is that? Where is that voice coming from? It sounds worried. I don't want to wake up, though. It's so comfortable to rest like this...

".. -ke up, [F/N]!"

It's not the time to sleep yet. I can't sleep with him on my mind either way. I won't be able to depart peacefully from my body if he's troubling me.



My body sprung up, my eyes widening open as life seemed to come back to me. Sighs of relief were released left and right.

"I'm glad you're still with us, [F/N].", Hinahoho retorted from behind me.

Oh, really?..

"Yeah. We would've been pretty upset. Especially Sinbad, if he saw your state.", Yamraiha agreed, making me glance down at my body.

My pale skin was adorned by several large bruises and deep cuts. Their irritated state made me thankful that I wasn't dead yet.

"Where's Sinbad?"

Somewhat, that was the only question I managed to let out.

"He's fighting Ren. Ren Kouen, the first prince of the Kou kingdom.", Drakon mentioned, glaring over at the male with the goatee, as he was a few dozen of meters away.

"Rumors are, it's his fault that you and the rest are livestocks, or outsiders."

Oh, that's important information. Even though revenge made my blood boil with adrenaline, my poor state wouldn't allow me to go exchange swords with Ren.

"It's alright, Sinbad's got it.", Sharrkan snickered.

"What?", I'd growl out.

"So you think we can just sit here while Sinbad is fighting his ass off to protect the damn country? Don't you have a mandate as well?"

"We would help if we could, [F/N]," Spartos added. "but we would probably just get in the crossfire. Sinbad's and Ren's power are insane."

My arms trembled.

I so desperately wanted to go. And so I did.

outsider. // Sinbad x !Livestock ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now