First Day of Hell

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The limo stopped in front of our school gate. We were at school now. I looked up and saw the big sign that says: Teiko Middle School . Even though I feel angry at redhead, I hesitated to grab his arm to feel safe. I can't stay mad at him because he is the only family I got. I owe him my life afterall. He's sacrificing everything for our daily needs.

I can feel what a middle school girl feels like. I've been dreaming this for a long time despite the fact I don't want to go to school earlier. Wearing short black skirts, long socks and having complicated relationships with friends and acquaintances. I felt the warm breeze that nearly blew my skirt away. But changing Seijuuro back still bothers me.

While we were walking in the hallway trying to get to my classroom all of the students that we pass were trying to make room for us. Some of them were staring at us like criminals. Some were murmuring..

"Are they siblings?"

"Seijuuro is scary but his sibling is waay too scarier than him."

"I think she can bite."

Uwah? Me? Bite? Hahahahaha! I don't bite. I'm not that kind of person. I'm not that kind of person. I'm the opposite of my brother. And I promise I won't be like him.

I didn't mind them and continue walking. It seems like they're staring us straight to our souls. Confusion went inside my mind. I asked myself, 'Why do everyone afraid of my brother? Did he scare and disciplined them just like he treats me in home? Or is it his scary looks? His strong aura? Or is it he is a sexy beast only yearns for love?' Yeah, I believe that he's a beast; a sexy one. Some women fall for him in sight. But he didn't fall even one. That's how busy his life is.

A couple of minutes searching, we finally found my classroom! I took a small peek inside. Lots of different faces. They were my classmates. Some of them were busy chatting, running around the room and flirting. I'm too shy to go inside. I grabbed Sei's arms and hid beside him. I wish I can retreat but I couldn't.

Just then, a woman appeared right after me and offering me to go inside. I guess it was my teacher. I'm still shy and my hands were glued to redhead's arms.

"Rei, go inside." Seijuuro ordered.

"NO I won't!" I pouted and hugged his arm tightly causing him to flinch. He got irritated and jerked my hands off his wrinkled shoulder.

"I'll confiscate your video games and gadgets if you won't follow this time." he whispered into my right ear with a dark and scary tone.

I sighed, "F-fine.." I crossed my arms in defeat, pouting my lips like a 2 year old. I can't disobey his orders here, I'll get embarrassed.

"Miss Kuro, I am truly sorry about my sister's behavior. Please excuse her for being like that. She's not that shy when she's with me. But please, do not consider her stupidity. he said changing his tone in a monotone voice and gestured me to go inside. My cheeks flustered a bright shade of pink in embarrassment. How dare he call me stupid?! WATCH IT REDHEAD YOU'LL TASTE MY FALCON PUNCHES SOON!

"It's alright. I understood." Miss Kuro, I assume, walked inside and left the two of us outside. I really don't want to be scolded in front. I gain my confidence then walked in the room without hesitation. Then Seijuuro stopped me. I hope he won't give me orders this time!

"Oi! Rei , use this pair of scissors that I brought." he handed me a pair of red scissors. W-what the hell is this thing for?

"Use this for protection." he smirked. Protection? I can protect myself!

"Hey , I'll be meeting you behind the school gym after class, okay? I'll introduce you to everyone." He smirks again and left casually. Eh? Introduce to everyone? That baka redhead! Will ya stop asking yourself Rei? Quit it already!

I am still at the doorside sighing while the pair of red scissors on my hands. Miss Kuro gestured me to stood in front.

"Class, we got a new member of the class!" she clapped her hands with enthusiasm calling all student's attention. I stood in front and looked to the new faces.

I gulped and a thread of sweat slides through my cheek, "My name is Reiya Akashi. I am your new classmate. I enrolled here because of our family business. Perhaps you don't know me, I am a kind and approachable person! So please take care of me." I finished the introduction with a small bow.

"Thank you Miss Akashi for your introduction, please find your seat." Miss Kuro said and I nodded.

Is she the scary looking redhead's brother?

She's completely the opposite than the redhead! I want to make fun of her!

She is hot. I want to bang her.

Ughh..typical students. How can I manage to have friends with these kind of people? Geez.. and that ugly looking horse face boy is looking at me with pure seduction. What the— Ew. Gross.

I was finding my desk then suddenly, I tripped myself and accidentally cut myself with the scissors I'm holding. The cut is visible on my left cheek then followed a large amount of blood trickled my cheek. It cut deep enough to excess a large amount of blood.

I looked up and saw my classmate stretching his leg then began to laugh a bit. The room remained silent. Then, everyone laughed, even the teacher. I was humilated in front of class. Adrenaline rushed inside my body. I don't know what to do. I was in the verge of crying.

I wanted to scream and let out my emotion.

So yeah I did.

I punched the desk with the scissors and screeched it. My calm and innocent personality quickly faded. I'm letting my dark side in. I wanted to hid it but I can't. This is the other me.

"Can't you people show some respect? Seize you mortals!" I shouted and glared at them. The others cowered in fear.

Small drips of blood fall to the floor causing the white cement to cover in tiny crimsons. The room remained still.

Until everyone starting to apologize.

I went to the back seat. Still processing what just happened. I guess everybody gained my respect. Yay! The scissors work!

Edited :D

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