Gateway to Detention (pt 01)

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So here I am staring blank while listening some Vocaloid songs in my Ipod nano. Miss Kuro still blabbering about some algebra crap that I do not understand. I feel like an alien here. I sighed and placed my head on top of the desk and playing with my hair.

I think I gained my respect because of what happened earlier. Needless to say, the horse face kid who wants to bang me is kinda scared of me now.

Honestly, I do not understand what is my personality. I always act immature and child-like. Often I act shy. And rarely dark when I'm depressed or embarrassed. The same as my brother. Wait. What? There is no fucking way I got to be like him. Freckled Jesus, what is wrong with me?

"Miss Akashi? Are you paying attention?" Oh crap. Kuro alert!

"Ughh..Yeah?" I nodded and face her snapping away from my train of thoughts. She clicked her tongue and raised an eyebrow.

"Very well then..after you made a little ruckus earlier, I want you to answer this." She smirked and walked to the board and wrote an equation:


First day of class and some algebraic crap already? You've gotta be kidding me? I opened my mouth to spoke but I forgot how to solve it. I freakin forgot the formula! I learned this thing when I home-schooled! What is it again? erm..FRECKLED JESUS HELP ME!

"What is it now Miss Akashi?" Kuro tapped her foot impatiently.

"x^2+2xy+y^2" a voice muttered.

I looked at my sides and saw no one.


"Just answer the fluffy question!"the voice whisper yell.

"x^2+2xy+y^2" I answered, then flashed a smile.

Miss Kuro clicked her tongue, "Are you sure that's correct?"

"Yes?" I replied not sure by the answer. She smirked, "correct" YES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! In your ugly face you wrinkled old lady!

She shook her head and turned to face her back.

"Your brother is right. You are indeed stupid. I must not consider your stupidity. Do you think everyone here in class wants to be your friend? No. They fear you now. They think of you as a freak. A weirdo." She laughed darkly. I am staring to hate this teacher right now. I clenched my fists behind my back.

"As for you Miss Aoi, I thought you were a goody-two-shoes. I saw you coaching Miss Akashi. Meet me after class for detention." She glared at the girl and gave her a detention slip.

"After class, detention! Were not done yet Miss Akashi! CLASS DISMISS!" she left the room casually.

I am starting to fire bullet launchers in my mind at this woman. I am gonna haunt you in my dreams and murder you! JOKE! Just kidding! I'm not born to kill people.

I gather my things up then a brunette girl with glasses approached me. She has short brown hair and crimson eyes. She smiled and approached me.

"Don't you want to thank the person who just saved you?" she said smiling. I turn to her and offer my hand.

"Thanks by the way." I shake her hand.

"I am Yuukiteru Aoi. Call me Yuki. Nice meeting you." she flashed a smile.

"I am Reiya. Call me Rei."

"Sooo? See you in detention I guess?" she bounced and placed her hands on her glasses fixing it up. Her eyes sparkled a little. Why is this girl so happy going to detention? And what with the sparkles? Nevermind. At least I got a friend.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

"U-uwah! W-where are you trying to drag me?" I panicked a little. Weird megane girl.

"Cafeteria!" she said. I let her to drag me and made our way to the cafeteria. I sighed mentally, this will be gonna a long day for me, I guess?

Edited :D

Yuukiteru's appearance up there. :3

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