♡ Chapter 9 ♡

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I woke up the next morning and quickly got dressed. I put on a comfy sweater and some maroon jeans. I added boots and some other accessories. I even matched my iPhone case with my backpack. I woke up early so I could do fancier make-up. I just wanted to look a little prettier. Then because I took so long on the make-up I had to quickly curl the ends of my hair and throw it in a ponytail.

(Le outfit ;) http://www.polyvore.com/cocos_school_outfit/set?id=95693049 )

I opened my curtains and started opening my window, when I noticed Harry staring at me. He smiled and pointed downstairs. I guess since we lived right beside each other, walking together wouldn’t be so bad. So I nodded and headed downstairs.

“Bye mum.” I said as I opened the front door.

“Bye lamb” she replied. It was something she loved calling me. She usually called me it when she was in a good mood. Wonder why she is so happy.

“Good morning sexy” Harry said smirking.

“Shut up” I said as my smile turned into a frown.

“You look so cute when your angry” he said laughing.

“No I don’t!” I replied.

“Yeah, yeah you do. You flare your nostrils and your face goes reddish.” he said smiling towards the ground then looking back up at me.

I knew I looked funny when I was mad. I just hated admitting it. My mom has a video of one of my spaz attacks and I look pretty hilarious. Even I have to admit.

“Can we just go to school” I say impatiently. Harry nods and we start walking.

“So about last night-” Harry started but I cut him off

“It never happened Harry.” I said

“Your running for president of the school right?” he asked.

“Yeah, why?” I asked

“Well because the girl who is running the student council this year, she gets to choose the 2 candidates for president. She is very pro abstinence. Anyways, she has no problem with dating, but I don’t think she would want you running for president if she found out we had sex.” He said in a devious tone.

“We didn’t have sex” I retorted quickly.

“Well whose word will she believe. Mine or yours?” He said cheekily.

Was Harry blackmailing me?

“Look, I know I’m the most popular guy at school. If I say something, it is automatically true and everyone believes me. So unless you want the whole school to think you lost your V-card to me, then I suggest you keep your mouth shut and listen up.” Harry said stopping and pinning me to a tree. Fuck it was the same tree he had pinned me to twice already. Dipshit.

“You are mine. You will be my girlfriend. You will hold hands with me. You will eat lunch with me.

You will do anything I want you too.” I thought he was finished so I started to turn away but then he grabbed my chin and made me face him. “Last night I should have fucked you, but I didn’t. Next time, it’s going to happen. There’s no if and or buts. If you resist or decide not to, then the whole school will think we fucked and your chances of being president are gone.” He finished.

“I hate you.” I said in disgust.

“No, Coco, you got it wrong.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. “It’s I love you.” He

whispered. I could feel his smirk. Then he pulled away and put out his hand.

“Shall we girlfriend?” he asked.

Ugh. I took his hand and we walked to school.

“You’re not holding my hand right.” He said as he laced our fingers together. Wow, picky.

When we walked into the school yard people gave us looks. I guess to see me with a guy like

Harry didn’t happen too often. The look on Krista’s face made me want to run away. She was

giving me the death glare. Harry didn’t notice and we kept walking towards their group.

“Oh, is this what I think?” Louis said cheekily.

“I think it is Lou.” Eleanor chimed in. They were so cute together. The fact that they were both popular didn’t even bother me. I could tell he really cared for her and she really cared for him. I guess I finally found a popular kid couple that I ship.

“Yaii!!” Perrie screamed.

“Lovey dovey lovey” Zayn added in. Wtf? Zayn could be hella weird when he wanted to be.

“Congratz guyyss” Niall said as he poked Harry.

“You guys look too cute” Danielle said smiling.

“I approve” Liam said smiling.

“We don’t need approval.” Harry said.

“Fine, then I ship it” Liam replied smiling.

“I don’t.” Krista said in a bitchy tone. “You’re ugly as fuck and Harry’s a sex god. He will probably bang you then leave. Don’t get too attached.” Then she just walked away.

“Bitch” Eleanor said out loud.

All the guys except Harry started laughing.

“Haz, why is she in our group again?” Danielle asked.

“She’s nice I swear.” He said nervously.

“Well he just dissed your girlfriend and you and you just took it.” Niall said. Harry shot him the

death glare.

“Yeah well… she’s usually nice to me” he said.

Ew. He was one of those guys that thought the bitchy girls who were as fake as plastic were “nice” just because they were nice to them and not anyone else? Really? Asshole. Reminds me of-. Never mind. The others mumbled some things and then the bell rang.

“Off to hell” Zayn said frowning.

“Yai!” Louis said mockingly.

Then we all headed off to class. First day of Harry as my boyfriend. This should be interesting.

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