♡ Chapter 30 ♡

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I was waiting outside the school for Harry. I had finished all my exams and my stuff was in his car.

“Hello love” I heard someone whisper in my ear.

I knew that voice anywhere. Harry.

“How was the exam?” I asked smiling

“I think I got anywhere from 90 – 100” he said winking. God, why was he so smart?

It had been a week since prom, Harry and I were on cloud 9. We were so happy, it’s finally summer, and this is our summer. No one else’s, ours.

“Ready to go?” he asked hopping in the car

“Yupp” I said jumping a little.

We drove to Harry’s house and we put my stuff in the spare bedroom. Anne was so kind and allowed me to move in with them. Anne and Krista’s Dad got separated. It happened when Krista came home from prom and called Anne a whore. Let’s say “Daddy’s Little Girl” didn’t get in trouble and Anne realised that he didn’t care for her as much as she thought. Harry and I tried to comfort her as much as we could. We would always bring her chocolate or pastries from Harry’s job. I would also watch chick flicks with her. Anne said I was like a second daughter to her. I always told her she was like a second mom to me.

As for my mom, I haven’t heard from her in months. I’m always worried about her, but I know that she’s safe. As for Malcolm. I know one day I’ll get my revenge. I just have to wait.
Harry had to go meet up with the guys. Niall finally found love, that girl he danced with at the prom’s name was Zoe, and she was going to university to be a chemistry major. She was smart and Niall liked that. Niall fell for her for her, and he was just lucky that when she finally got her braces off and contacts, she looked like a model. Nice guys don’t finish last. Niall is a perfect example of that, and I couldn’t be happier for him. All the others are still happily coupled, even me and Harry.

I finished packing 3 hours later. I went downstairs and plopped on the couch.

“Done packing?” Harry asked handing me a glass of water

“Yes, and it was exhausting” I said dramatically putting my hand on my forehead. He chuckled
and sat next to me.

“I thought you went to go hang out with the guys?” I asked

“Yeah, three hours ago, we were just talking about some stuff.” He said looking away.

“What stuff Harry?” I asked suspiciously

“I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise.” He replied smirking

“You ass, just tell me!” I exclaimed

“Nuh uh uh” he replied shaking his finger

“Do I have anything to do with this?” I asked

“Yeah kinda, I called up Dani, Perrie and El. They should be here in 10 minutes to take you shopping.” He replied


“Calm down love, you look beautiful” he replied smiling

I quickly ran upstairs and got dressed. Goddammit Harry.

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