♡ Chapter 33 ♡

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We got out of the plane and we headed off in taxi’s to the hotel, we had arrived in Paris at 8:30pm. So I was really tiered but the city was so beautiful. We drove by the arch de triumph. It was slightly glowing, it was a beautiful sight. I wanted to go back there to tomorrow and get a closer look. We then passed these small streets that still had cobblestone, it was so amazing to see couples eating their ice cream walking hand in hand. That would be Harry and I tomorrow. Finally we passed the Eiffel tower.

“It’s breathtaking Harry, isn’t it?” I asked

“It sure is” he replied, I turned my head and he was staring at me.

“You’re so cheesy.” I said giggling.

“You love it, don’t deny it” he said smirking

We reached the hotel about the same time as the others. We walked up and the hotel was HUGE!

“Guys, how much did this cost?” I asked

“Doesn’t matter” Harry replied

“Okay, so hows this. I’m hungry, so I say we get settles in, then at 9:15 we meet back here and go for a late dinner?” asked Louis

We all agreed then went to our rooms. We went upstairs and went to our rooms, each couple got their own room. Even Zoe and Niall, how cute, I ship them so hard, but I don’t think I’m going to tell Niall that now.

Harry unlocked our hotel door and immediately kicked the door shut and pushed me on the bed.

“If we didn’t have to meet the others for dinner then I would fuck you so hard” he whispered in my ear.

“Like you did in the airplane?” I asked cheekily

“Better” he mumbled while kissing my neck.

“But that will have to wait” he said getting off of me offering me a hand. Before we did I opened the curtains. It took my breath away, we had a perfect view of the Eiffel tower.

“C’mon, you can look at that later” Harry said standing at the door.

We made our way downstairs and waited for the others. It was 9:20 and everyone was here waiting for El and Lou.

“Hey guys sorry we’re late” Louis said running with Eleanor beside him hand in hand.

“What were you doing?” Perrie asked

“Wel-” Louis started but Eleanor shut him up.

“Unpacking” she said quickly.

Louis hair was a little messy and you could tell that Eleanor had brushed hers moments ago. I think we all know what they were doing…

“Lets go then!” Liam said breaking the silence.

We walked around the part of town we were in and decided to go to a French McDonalds. Apparently the McDonalds here is different according to Niall, he wanted to try it everywhere in the world. Weird if you ask me, but then again, Niall eats everything.

The girls and I sat at a booth and started talking while the boys were getting our food.

“YOU AND LOU SO FUCKED” Dani said to Eleanor.

“Keep it down you bitch” Eleanor said laughing.

“You got some love already, jelly” said Perrie

“Yeah, well so did Coco!” Eleanor said pointing at me and then wagging her finger.

“What? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said innocently.

“I got up to go to the washroom and heard some noises coming from inside the occupied washroom. Moments later Harry walks out. Then minutes later you walk out? You’re telling me Harry didn’t fuck you in the clouds?” Eleanor said smirking

“Okay yeah maybe we did” I said laughing

“You dirty girl, I love you” Perrie said laughing and hugging me

“Was it hot?” asked Dani

“Hell yeah” I replied wagging my eyebrows. We all busted out laughing.

Harry’s POV
“So how was it Lou?” asked Zayn nudging Louis.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” Louis said looking up

“We all know you al El fucked” Liam said. That was out of character. The other guys must have
thought it too because we all had the same surprised look.

“Just saying” Liam added

“Maybe we did, maybe we didn’t” Louis said laughing a little

“How was it mate?” I asked

“Amazing, honestly. I love her so much.” He said smiling.

“What about you mate?” asked Louis

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“Well Eleanor and I tell each other almost everything and let’s just say she heard noises from the airplane bathroom, then moments later you and Coco walk out. Coincidence?” he said smirking

“Luckyyyy” Niall said nudging me

“Dirty boy Harry, how was it. Tell now” Zayn said laughing

“Nope” I said looking away.

“Don’t do this Harry just spill it.” Liam said looking at me seriously.

“Yeah, it was probably one of the best I’ve ever had.” I said laughing.

“That’s a boy” Louis said pocking me.

We quickly got the food then made our way over to the table where the girls were sitting.

“Hell yeah!” I heard Coco say.

“Hell yeah what?” I asked

Her face turned pale.

“Um, we want to uh, visit the Eiffel tower tomorrow.” She said nervously

“Cool” I replied winking at her. I know she was probably talking about our hot airplane sex.

We finished eating our food then went back to the hotel. It was weird how Niall was right. The McDonalds in Paris is really different from the one in the UK. Strange.

When I opened the hotel door it was about 10:30, and surprisingly I was tiered. Coco stripped down to her underwear and bra, it was pink. I laughed a little. Then she threw on one of my shirts and took off her bra.

“Want a picture Styles?” she asked smirking

“Yes, I would” I replied

“Well you can’t have one. Can we sleep, I’m really tiered” she said crawling into bed.

“Of course love” I replied

I took off my clothes and climbed into bed. I put my arm around her and then looked out the window. We had a clear view of the lit up Eiffel tower.

“It’s beautiful” she said

“So are you” I replied before we both dozed off.

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