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i got a beer and took a drink trying to avery any eye contact with Chris. 

"You okay?" eva asked me worried. 

"yeah yeah i'm good. its just Chris." i said. eva looked over at girl Chris. "no other Chris." i said. eva slightly glanced in his general direction. she turned back over to me and smiled. 

"looks like you have an admirer." she said giggling

"even if i did he has a girlfriend anyways and he would never EVER like a girl like me." i stated

"why not." noora chimed in. 

i face palmed and quickly shook  my head "never mind, anyways can we talk about how every other girl here looks like they are just waiting to be screwed by one of the penetrators."

"does that include us?" Noora asked. i gave her the are you stupid look and pointed over to girl Chris who was flirting with one of them. 

"yeah okay." Noora and eva said in unison. i looked back over at Chris and he was taking the last sip of his drink. he handed the can to his friend who was next to him and made his way through the crowd towards us. 

"HES COMING!" Eva silently panicked. 

"what do we do i am not ready to have this on my social life resume!" i silently freaked. 

"hey Emma can i talk to you for a second?" he asked. his voice was deep but smooth melting perfectly to match his look and all around vibe. He lead me to the bottom of the staircase.... "so i have noticed you in the hallways..." he began i raised an eyebrow in confusion as to where this conversation was going. "you have the most beautiful smile i have ever seen." he said. i stopped and laughed slightly. he looked confused. 

"your hilarious." i said laughing slightly. 

"what do you mean?" he asked

"well at first i thought you were serious then i realized, you only said that so you could get me in bed." i said 

"not all of the penetrators are like that..."he started again..."some of us care." he said

"this is coming from the boy who has a new girlfriend every week."i said walking away. 

****Chris pov****

i smiled. i wanted to be with her every second of everyday she was perfect. she was different from all the other girls. i wouldn't be like that with her i can change......for her.

**Emma pov****

damn it. why was he like this. i swear i didn't want to i really really didn't but he is just so hot and his voice and the way he makes you feel like your the only girl he can see. ugh he has done it to so many girls and yet i want to be one of them.....i shouldn't want to....

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