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I watched Chris leave.  And I turned back to my locker. I looked into the small mirror I had handing my makeup was still good other than my mascara being a tad smudged.  I fixed it and took a deep breath in and out. 
Shouting and grunting pulled me from my daze it was from the courtyard. 
I shut my locker and walked out.  Turning right I looked over and a huge crowfnwas gathered around something.
I weaved my way through and eventually was at the front.  Paul was sitting legs out from under him his back against the wall.  And Chris had him pinned back and was rapidly hitting him.  Paul's face was bloody and a mess. 
My hands covered my mouth in shock at what I was watching.  This was the most violent I had ever seen Chris and I have seen him in a lot of fights.  The fight ended when William pulled Chris off him.  Paul looked as if any more and he would have died.  Chris dragged William. Over to me as the crowd dispersed and I stood staring at Paul's weak body in a daze. 
Chris' warm hand on my shoulder took out and I looked at him flinching slightly as he lifted his hand.  William and I were  friends like not super close but we were good friends since he started to date noora but she had only told Eva and I. 
"Emma." William said. Chris had a sad expression painted on his face.  He reached out for me and I stepped back.  I looked to the ground and turned around leaving.  Too afraid to say anything

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