Charlotte Becker

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Senior year of high school, didn't graduate the first time so had to retake senior year.

Dolly Becker
Derek Becker


Take Raphaels (Tmnt) attitude, Ironhides attitude, even MEGATRONS attitude, and times that by 1,000! You'll get her attitude!

Being told what to do, not getting her way, pretty much everyone, bugs, candy, soda, and SCHOOL

Doing her own thing, getting what she wants, partying, drinking, fighting, being lazy, cake, smoothies, and WWE wrestling

Her past personality:
She used to be the kindest little girl, she did good in school, had great friends and got along with her parents well. She was happy and polite to everyone.

What changed?:
When she hit her freshman year it all wen my down hill. She had bad influences at school, started going to parties and then started to drink. That's when the attitude came in, becoming worse since she was becoming a teenager. Then she started fighting sophomore year, also getting suspended for the first time. She almost got expelled, but got lucky!

Her personality now:
Don't mess with her, she beat the living shit out of you! She is super selfish! She has an ENORMOUS temper!

Family History?:
Mom and Dad are both lawyers and expect her to be one two. Her uncle was an alcoholic, her aunt was a druggy... She is expected to be perfect from her parents...

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