Chapter 2

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Her outfit^^^^
Also time skip- 3 months Later

Sam was in class bored... History was not his favorite class, but he could tolerate it. Sam looked out the window, taking in a quick glance, but then he see Ratchet and Bumblebee parked outside. He was not surprised to see Bee their, but was confused on why Ratchet was there.

The dismissal beep rang, causing all the kids in class to hurriedly pack up there things and get out. Sam headed to his locker grabbing his back and packing any homework he had, then he headed out.

On his way out, he saw Charlotte Becker walking out, not looking happy. He quickly went over to Bee and Ratchet, placing his bag in Bee, but watching Charlotte who walking towards a girl.

"Oh no..."

Sam muttered, watching Charlotte drop her bag on the ground purposely. Bee and Ratchet watched were Sam was looking at, and Ratchet noticed her immediately. They all watched as Charlotte made a girl her age, turn towards her forcefully.

Charlotte started saying something to the girl, clearly angered by something. Then the girl was on the ground, while Charlotte laid hits on her, kicking the girls stomach. Then Charlotte stopped, panting heavily, she grabbed her bag quickly walking away. Sam sighed shaking his head, it was not his first time seeing Charlotte hurt someone.

Sam entered inside Bee's cab, then driving away, Ratchet following them.

"Hey Bee. How come Ratchet is here?"

Bee spoke through his radio "NeEd a BrEaK..."

Sam nodded, then caught a glimpse of Charlotte walking along the sidewalk. He watches her as she walks at a certain pace, acting like nothing happened six minutes ago.

Then she was out of sight, turning a corner. Sam sighed.

"That girl scares the crap out of me..."

Sam turned to see Ratchet was NOT behind them anymore. Looking in the distance he watches Ratchet turn the other direction with a screech of his tires. Then Bee chuckled...

"TrUsT Me... SoMeOnE Is GoNnA FiX HeR AtTiTuDe..."

Sam was confused at what Bee meant, but not questioning it further.

Meanwhile Ratchet followed the girl, acting as casual as he could be. Charlotte didn't lay any mind to him, only going on about her business. She clearly was not going home, because she would be going the way Sam and Bee went. So where was she going?

The Ratchet noticed she took a bat out of her bag, walking towards a store with a huge window in the front. Ratchet though the worst was to come, but Charlotte walked next to the store in the alley way. Not following her, he stay parked across the street from the store. Waiting and waiting... It was about a good 20 minutes till he heard police sirens, then seen a bat breaking the window...

Two police cars raced over and parked jaggedly on the street, quickly making there way in the store. Ratchet watched as Charlotte walked out.. In cuffs. Charlotte was pulled towards the cop car and placed in the back.

Ratchet then watches as one Police car stays, but the one holding Charlotte in the back seat drove away. He followed the cop car, noticing she was going to some sort of jail house. Ratchet knew he was not going to be able to get through, so he drove back to base.

Arriving at the base, which was still under son constructions, he went towards the first person he saw...

"Major Lennox... May I ask a favor?"

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