Playing With Their Hair

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He sat playing the game while you sat on the couch bored out of your mind. While turning, his body would lean too causing his hair to get in his eyes, making him frustrated. Although it made you laugh to see him start to loose you decided to help him out by moving his hair back. Looking at the way you pulled it back you decided to see other ways it could be pulled back.

"I cant sleep" He would complain making a cute but angry pouty face. You chuckled and beckoned him over to you to see if you could help in anyway. Once he came over you made him lay his head in your lap before starting to play with his hair. Feeling your fingers run though his hair already had his eyes closing.

He sat in the mirror staring at himself after the hair stylist got done with his hair. You came behind him with a sour face at the hairstyle she gave him. "I don't like it" You shook your head messing with some pieces in the back. Feeling your soft hands had Jin at your fingertips, "Do something about it then" He was so pleased to have your fingers working in his hair cause the stylist before was rough.

He gave you puppy eyes all day trying to get you to play with his hair something you hardly did because he wouldn't let you stop once you started. "Pleaseeee jagiya" He'd beg giving you puppy eyes knowing you cant resist them. "Fine!" You'd give up making him happy. Lets say you didn't get to stop until 2 hours later.

It started out as him playing with your hair but seeing as how much pleasure you was in he wanted the same treatment so you sat running your fingers through his hair while giving him silly hair styles just like he did you. "Ahh now I see why you like it so much" He'd hum closing his eyes and relaxing back.

He wouldn't be a huge fan because once he styled his hair for the day he wanted it to remain the same way through out the day. Since he loves you so much he'd let you sit there and mess it up by dragging your fingers through it in different direction, secretly he loves it.

Once you start playing with his hair it'll be like he's in another world. He would zone in and zone out but most of the time zone out because of the amount of pleasure he's receiving. When you'd try to stop he would give you the most heartbreaking look he could while begging you to continue which eventually you'd break and continue.

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