Chapter 12

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Emma ran around to get ready. She had begged her boss to let her off early, but he wouldn't. She had gotten home at 6:00. She had her dress picked out already, but she needed to shower and do her hair and makeup as fast as she possibly could. She had just put the finishing touches to her makeup when there was a knock at the door. She straightened out the wrinkles in her dress and took a deep breath before opening the door. Her dress was a light blue color with short sleeves and a glitter spiral pattern on it. Killian wore a black vest over a dark blue shirt and dark jeans. His hair had been styled to the other side. Emma couldn't deny the fact that he looked hot in his outfit.

"Wow, love. You are beautiful." The way Killian complimented her, brought butterflies to her stomach. She couldn't help but blush. "I would have bought you some flowers, but the flower shop closed early today."

"It's okay, Killian. Thank you." She grabbed her phone and stepped into the hallway and locked the door. "You ready?"

He nodded and grabbed her hand. They walked out to his car and like a gentleman, he held the door open for her. They drove to the restaurant in a comfortable silence, only the radio to fill in the noise. Once they pulled in, he once again, held the door open for her and they went inside. They were quickly seated and were given a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. Killian poured her a glass, and then himself. They fell into a light conversation about themselves. Their interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Stuff that they hadn't talked about on any of their other dates. But, Killian couldn't let go of a bad feeling he had in his gut. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that it wasn't going to be good.

"Listen up!" A deep voice called out. Gasps could be heard throughout the restaurant. Emma's included. Standing in the doorway of the building were three men dressed in black clothes and black ski masks. All of them had guns. "Everyone on the ground, now!" No one hesitated to follow their orders. Killian knew that he couldn't escape and save the day as The Mind. Not this time. He'd have to help without using his powers. Much. "Don't make a sound. Any of you." Emma was too afraid to move. Her hands were over the back of her neck and she sat on the floor on her knees. She glanced over at Killian, but he didn't seem scared. He was focusing on something. He gave her a reassuring smile and a small nod, as if telling her everything was going to be fine.

"We got the money from the safe," one of the guys said to the man that had talked when they first walked in.

"Good. Now, get the money from the tables and wallets. No credit cards. You know that." The other men nodded and split up to check each person for their wallets. Emma broke into tears when they hauled Killian up from the floor roughly and patted his pockets. One of them suddenly cried out in pain. That yelp was followed by another yelp and the two men then fell to the ground, writhing on the floor. Killian looked down in shock before looking back up to the third guy. His gun was drawn. Killian held his hands up by his head. "Back down on the ground!" But, Killian didn't listen. He kept his feet stuck in their place. The guy with the gun took a few steps closer. "I will shoot you!" Then, the guy did the impossible. He tripped and fell to the ground.

Killian rushed to the man and kicked the gun away. He got on the man's back and pulled his hands back like the police officers do to the criminals in the movies. "You'll be going to jail," Killian muttered. Two other men from the restaurant did the same to the other guys on the ground. The sounds of sirens wailing in the distance could be heard. A few minutes later, the police rushed into the building and took the criminals away. The money from the restaurant was put back into the safe and though shaken up, some people stayed to finish their dinner. Others left. Killian rushed to Emma and helped her off the ground. She threw her arms around him and cried into his chest. "Are you okay? That's stupid to ask. Of course you aren't okay."

"Take me home, Killian. Please."

He nodded and they walked out. He draped his leather jacket over her shoulders as they walked out to his car. "Do you want to go back to my place? I have a frozen pizza in my freezer and a case of beer in my fridge."

She laughed and nodded. "I'd like that." Once they got back to his house, Killian held onto her tightly as they walked inside. He put the pizza in the oven and grabbed a can of beer from the refrigerator for her. Emma looked down to her dress. It was nice and all, but not exactly lounging material. "Killian, do you have any clothes I could borrow? I don't want to ruin the dress."

"Yeah. Follow me." They went upstairs and into his bedroom. Killian dug in the dresser for sweatpants and a t-shirt. He handed them to her and directed her to the bathroom. He left her alone to change so he could check on the food. When Emma came back down, he had to hold back the moan that threatened to escape his lips. She looked bloody adorable in his clothes. "That's a sight I will never get used to," he whispered so lowly, only he could hear it. "What movie would you like to watch, love?"

Emma shrugged, "doesn't matter to me. Anything except for hostage or police movies."

"Fair enough."

Once the pizza was pulled out of the oven, Killian cut them each a slice. They took their beers and food with them into the living room and he connected Netflix to the television.

"Thank you for tonight. Even if it didn't go exactly as planned," Emma told him.

"You're welcome, Swan. One of these days we will have a nice date."

"As long as it's with you, it will be good."

Killian leaned down to kiss her, but when their lips were an inch away, Emma turned her head. He laughed to himself and pulled away. "I take it that you don't want to be kissed?"

"What? Oh my God! Oh, I'm so embarrassed now," she mumbled into her hands that were currently covering her reddening cheeks.

"Hey, love," Killian took her hands away and cupped her chin. "We can try again." She nodded and then their lips connected. Neither of them let the kiss get too deep. It was their first kiss together after all. "See? No harm, no foul."

She laughed and licked her lips. "I guess you're right."

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