Chapter 25

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The next day at work, Killian drove Emma to the precinct then went to the lab. He informed Regina and Victor about what had happened after he got home, and the three headed off to build a weapon strong enough to weaken The Switch's powers enough for Killian to capture him. If this guy was able to take down The Mind, he needed to be stopped. But Killian couldn't help but have a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. Just like the one he had on his first date with Emma. He didn't like that feeling either. It was just around lunchtime when he called Emma. She picked up, but just as he was about to say a greeting, a gunshot rang out in the precinct. Screams followed shortly after. "Emma? What's going on? Emma!" But there was no answer. He kept the phone on the line as he changed into his suit and ran off to the precinct. He stayed in the shadows and out of sight. Killian got around to see the familiar dark blue and green suit that he knew too well.

"I want Emma Swan," The Switch said in a very deep, American voice. Killian figured that someone in the room knew his real identity, and that was why he needed to disguise his voice. "Where is she?" He demanded.

Killian hoped that she wouldn't offer herself over to him, but that was exactly what she was going to do. He could already tell. "H-here," she stuttered, standing up.

"Ah, Emma Swan, you are a very... Special woman," The Switch said, licking his lips. Killian felt lust rolling off the villain, and he didn't like it one tiny bit.

"What do you want from me?" Emma asked boldly.

"What I want is you." The Switch lit a smoke bomb and ran out of the precinct with Emma in his arms. Killian followed behind silently. He watched as The Switch took Emma to an alleyway and sit her behind a dumpster. "Ever since I laid my eyes on you, you were all I could think of. Then I saw you with him. Killian fucking Jones. After that? I knew you could never be mine. Unless I took care of him."

"Who are you?" She asked him.

"Oh believe me, someone that you know quite well." He leaned down and roughly grabbed her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Even with tears streaming down your face, you are still beautiful."

That was the last straw for Killian. He put on the special glasses that Victor made for him. They would deflect the color rays that The Switch sent out when trying to brainwash his victims. Killian jumped down from the building's fire escape and right in front of Emma and The Switch.

"Stay away from her," Killian warned. "If you don't, I will make you wish you had in the first place."

Switch chuckled. "I see. Now, maybe you and I can have the final battle? The Mind versus The Switch. No powers. I'll play fair." He reached up to take his mask off and Emma gasped.


"Who the devil is that?" Killian asked.

Graham pushed Emma off the crate and onto her knees. She let out a small yelp as her knees hit the pavement. Killian had no choice but to keep his muscles tense. If he showed that he cared about her even more than a superhero should care about a regular citizen, then Graham (whoever he was) could use that to his advantage.

"Go ahead, Emma, tell him. Maybe you can coax him into removing his mask. He really should anyway. It wouldn't matter. I know who he really is. I know that you are his weakness," Graham said, pushing on her shoulders.

"G-Graham is C-Captain David's partner," she stuttered nervously.

"Exactly. And as soon as I'm finished up here, David is next. I should be captain! Me! Not him!"

Killian sighed, "let's get this over with." Graham flew backwards into the brick wall behind him so hard, it cracked. "This is my city! If you keep messing with the people in my city, I have no other choice but to hurt you!" Without realizing it, Killian was squeezing Graham so hard, it was crushing the air out of his lungs.

"Stop! You're going to kill him!" Emma yelled, but her voice had no effect. She shakily stood up and put her hand on his shoulder. He looked over to her and a moment later, there was a thud and some coughing. "Hey, relax, K- Mind."

He nodded and turned his attention back to Graham. The man was trying to get up off the ground, but it was obvious that he didn't have enough strength. "You need her to help you in your battles? If I knew it would be this easy to get to you, I would have kidnapped her a long time ago." He took a deep breath and stood up, but used the wall for support.

"Go," Killian said sternly to Emma.

"No, I'm not leaving you here," she said, gripping on his arm.

"You're love for each other is sickening," Graham mumbled. "But it makes this so much more easy."

A sense of recognition crossed Killian's face. "Turn away!" He shouted. But, it was too late. Graham's eyes flashed different colors. Emma's eyes staring into his as she went into a daze. She stepped back and The Switch chuckled. "Emma?" But, when she turned her head to Killian, there wasn't a smile or sadness on her face. There was pure hatred.

"Well, this has been fun. I hope to see you soon, Mind," Graham said and slipped his mask back on. He lit a smoke bomb and was gone.

Killian pressed his panic button to let Regina and Victor know that they were needed immediately. He couldn't get over the anger on Emma's face. Her fists were tightly clenched as she glared at Killian. When she lunged at him, he pushed her backwards using his telekineses to hold her back until his friends arrived with the van.

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