Chapter 21

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Three Weeks Later...

Killian buried himself in work, trying to find the latest criminal. The Switch. Every time he would come to save the day and capture him, the guy would always slip away and out of the way, leaving people either trying to kill each other or trying to have sex with each other. It was weird.

Emma was getting sick of the fact that he was out all day and came home late at night. He always left before she woke in the morning, and came home when she was asleep. She was buried in work at the precinct too, but she did as much as she could. The two hadn't even held hands for three weeks. She missed her little superhero.

It was around 11:00 at night when she finally gave up hope that he was going to come home. She went into the bedroom and grabbed some clothes and shoved them into her duffle bag. She grabbed some toiletries she knew she would need, then went out to her car. She climbed in and drove to the nearest hotel. It had been the one she was staying at when she first moved to Springtide City. It was nice but cheap. She made a last minute reservation and went up to her room. She threw her bag down on the bed and sat next to it with a sigh.

"At least they have a pool," she said to herself in a selfish attempt to keep her mind off Killian and how terrible it was that she just left. But, he hadn't taken much notice of her or her feelings in three weeks. Would he even notice that she was gone? Would he even care? Emma wasn't sure she even wanted the answers to those questions. She laid under the covers and decided that sleep would be the best option for now.

Emma woke up sometime in the middle of the night. She glanced over at the clock on the nightstand to see 4:23 AM. She turned over on her side and gasped, then scrambled off the bed. She reached for her gun that she put in the nightstand the night before but released the breath she had been holding when she saw the silver suit in the dim light.

"What do you want, Mind?" She asked harshly.

Killian climbed onto the bed and sat on his knees. Emma stood up and brushed the dirt off her pants. "You to come home."

"Oh, so it only took you a few hours to notice I was gone," she said to herself more than him.

"You just left. Did you expect me to not be worried about you? I have an enemy! A really bad one too! He will kill you if given the bloody chance! I don't want you to get hurt!"

"Maybe I didn't get hurt physically," she muttered, but knew he heard her when he tensed up.

"What do you mean?"

"You can read minds. Maybe you should read mine and get your answer."

He went still for a moment then started blinking rapidly. He had a face filled with guilt. "I'm so sorry, love. I didn't realize how much of an effect this would have on you."

"Yeah, well, it did. Now I want you to get out."


"You heard me. I want you to get out of here."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Killian asked. Sadness lacing every single word.

She sighed and avoided his eyes, "no. I just need some time to myself right now."

He offered her a small smile. "Fair enough. I'm sorry for all the pain I've put you through," he whispered before the lights flickered on and then off again, and he was gone. Emma sighed and crawled back into bed, falling into a light sleep.

Over the next couple of days, Killian would visit Emma in the late hours of the night or the early hours of the morning. She would be asleep every time and he would watch over her. He missed how it felt to hold her and have her hold him. He missed her kisses. He missed tangling his fingers in her beautiful blonde hair. He just missed her. He knew he fucked up, and he wished he knew how to fix it.

He took his usual spot on the chair at the foot of the bed and watched her sleep. Her chest would raise up and down evenly. He smiled. Her calmness brought tears to his eyes. She started to stir and he froze in his place.

"How the hell do you keep getting in here?" She asked groggily.

"I'm a superhero, love. I always find a way," he chuckled. "I'm sorry for how I have been acting. It hasn't been very gentlemanly."

"No it hasn't," she agreed. Emma sighed and sat up. "I know you like to save people and protect the city, but I'd like to spend a little time with my boyfriend. I know that The Mind is apart of you, but I want to see Killian Jones sometime too."

"I can do that. I'll come home earlier and we can spend lunch together and I'll make you breakfast every single morning. Whatever it takes to get you to come home. I miss you a lot, love."

"I miss you too," she confessed, then flung herself at him. Killian grunted in surprise when her lips met his, but he took no time in responding to the kiss. She pulled away first and tugged him into bed. "Lay down with me."

"No need to tell me twice," he said and crawled into the bed next to her. He kissed her temple and reveled at the feel of her body next to his.

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