Wrath Of Rosinante.

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"Law. Tell me. Who did it?" Rosinante's voice was clipped and trembling with anger as he places his hands on his child's shoulders, his amber eyes boring into Law's. "Was it somebody in the Orphanage? Was it--" He didn't even finish his sentence, the realization flashing in his eyes as his grip tightens.

"Rosi," You murmur quietly, carefully trying to pick his large hands off Law's shoulders. The boy looking completely terrified as he tries to back up into the kitchen wall. "Sit down and we'll talk about this prop--"

"You knew he had those?" Rosinante's eyes now flickering up to you, Law reaching out and grabbing your hand, his palms sweaty and hold trembling.

"I told her not to tell anyone." Law blurts, drawing Rosinante's attention once again. The blonde's eyebrows furrowing as his gaze sets on the boy. "If Doflamingo finds out that I told, he'll--"

"I'm going to kill him." Rosinante growls over Law's words, the blonde straightening up as he storms out of the kitchen and into the hallway, a clear frown on his face and a glare that could surely burn a man alive in his eyes.    

"I was trying to get the towel before he saw me..." Law mumbles to you, his voice apologetic and dark eyes staring up at you worryingly. Your hand instinctively reaches out to give the boy a quick pat on the head as you briskly follow Rosinante into the hall.

"It's okay, Law. Just wait there." You rasp as you shut the kitchen door behind you, your sights setting on a seriously pissed off Rosinante. The man slipping his coat on. In a heat-of-the-moment decision, you throw yourself into the front door, trying to block his exit as you lock it hastily. 

"Move, [F/n]." Rosinante calmly grumbles, although the aura radiating off of the man could not have been darker. He sent a chill up your spine but you still wouldn't falter.

"Just hear me out!" You hiss, trying to keep your voice low so you wouldn't upset Law any further, your hand ripping the keys from the keyhole so that Rosinante couldn't leave. "If you still want to kill him when I'm done talking, then fine! But just think first!" 

"Think about what? The fact that my brother's been abusing a little kid who's already been through enough? 

"The fact that your brother is a snake." You retort, silencing the blonde before you continue. Your voice lowering slightly more, falling into more of a whisper. "If you retaliate to this, he'll just make you look like the villain here, Rosi. He'll get you a criminal record, which will get Law taken off of you. And who's stopping him from saying we did that to Law's back? If you attack that man, he could just as easily turn it around on you." You notice Rosinante's tense body beginning to tremble, the rage inside his eyes burning away into hopelessness.

"Then what the fuck do I do?!" He husks before his voice lowers to your volume. "He's my son now, my responsibility. I can't just do nothing!"

"What Law needs now is support. He needs you to focus on getting him better, Rosinante." You step closer to the tall man, your gaze focused on his face as you take his trembling hand in yours. "You can't help him if you're behind bars. Or if he's stuck in that orphanage again, you understand?" The male slowly calming down at your words as his eyes shift back to the kitchen door.

"Yeah...maybe you're right." He sighs as he makes his way back into the kitchen. The man taking a deep breath, his stressed body slowly beginning to ease as he grabs the kitchen towel from the stool and kneels down, starting to clean little Law up. A goofy smile spreading across his face. 

"And you call me clumsy, Law~? How did you manage to spill juice down your jumper~?" Rosinante's voice still had a tint of sadness to it, but his smile was bright enough to keep a plant alive. 

The slight shock in Law's dark eyes didn't go unnoticed by you, the boy's expression quickly falling blank as he watches his adoptive father dab the towel against his chest. "There was a jumpscare on the movie I was watching...I didn't expect it." Law's observant eyes watching Roisnante as he throws the towel back into the barstool, the blonde taking a new shirt from the worktop. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

"Don't worry about it, kid." Rosinante sighs under his breath as he helps Law put on the piece of clothing. The man then scooping the child up in a hug, his hand soothingly rubbing against Law's back. "Just know that I won't let anything like that happen to you ever again." The man murmurs before his gaze finds you, a small smile spreading across his face.

"I know, Cora-san..." 

You both decide to watch the gory movie with Law, you only really agreed to it to keep an eye on Rosinante, knowing the man is merely burying his rage. There's still the chance that he'll go flying off the handle at some point and you'll need to be there to help him see sense when he does. 

Law passes out half way through the movie, Rosi taking off his black, feathery jacket and draping it over the boy's body as a blanket. The blonde still looking rather troubled as he watches the movie with seemingly, no emotion. 

"Rosi," You hum, trying to be the cheerful one for a change. Scooting along the couch, a little closer to the tall man. "He loves you, you know?" You notice the ghost of a smile gracing Rosinante's lips as he turns his gaze to your form, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into his chest.

"Not as much as he loves you, though." A quiet chuckle leaving the man's throat as his eyes stare into yours, the lights from the Christmas tree giving his amber orbs a gorgeous twinkle. "Who could blame him?"

"Who could blame him?" You echo, bringing a pale blush to Rosinante's cheeks, a small hum leaving his lips. "Are you trying to say something there~?" Teasing the blonde further by giving him a gentle poke on his flustered cheek. 

"I'm trying to say that I like you, okay." The male mumbles shyly, drawing a giggle from your lips as your hand rests against his cheek, your eyes gazing into his. 

"Good thing I like you too then, huh?" You snicker, your hands trailing down to grab his collar, pulling him in as your lips crash against his. Your lips melding together perfectly, the blonde returning the kiss and causing the blood to rush to your cheeks, your breath being taken away by the man as his arms tighten around you slightly. 

You being the first to break the kiss for air, a smile etched into your features. "Damn, [F/n]." Rosinante chimes, his bad mood seemingly gone as he smirks down at you, his thumb brushing against your cheekbone. "I didn't know you had it in you~"

"Well, one of us had to~" You mock playfully, knowing that he was too shy to take the first step. But naturally, this only drives him to surprise you. Rosinante being the one to pull you in for a kiss this time around, causing you to gasp against his lips. The blonde taking an advantage of this and slipping his tongue in between your lips, exploring your wet cavern.

Damn, this man is a good kisser.

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