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We all do believe in someone or something. It can be anything in the world. It maybe our loved ones or our pet or even a flower. But what matters the most is that how strong our belief is. Even at our breaking point do we still hold on to it?. The answer is a simple 'no' because we shift our focus to the temporary negative things that brings us down than the ones which held us high from the very beginning .Sometimes we blindly believe in someone that we fade out the other negative possibilities. Like all,I do believed in somethings but more particularly someone, Jesus. Mostly half of the world population believes or claims to believe in him. But why we seek out to him only at the time of despair but not during our happy moments. Why we beg on our knees before him to grant wishes but not to thank him for what he has given. Why we never asked him for painful moments which would reveal our true selves rather than begging him for everlasting happy life . If we believe in god why do we hide ourselves under blanket scared of demons. Do they exist and if they do why they have powers equivalent to god. Are they part of god,a negative part of him like we humans have. These questions haunted me from my childhood but I wasn't able to find answers for that, until the day when I lost a part of myself to demon and rebuilt a greater part with the help of Jesus.

As per the old saying, in the war between good and evil, the good always wins but with consequences. But the real question is," are we ready to face the consequences?"

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