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My mind broke out of trance to the feeling of feather like brushes along my cheeks soothing the dull ache I felt at my fingers. After what felt like eternity I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a pair of concerned eyes glistening with innocence.

"Mommy" he hugged me with so much force that I was knocked on the bed which in the first place I have no idea how I got into.

"Mommy you got us so worried. Are your fingers okay?. You made Lyla cry so hard by screaming the whole house together" Upon hearing Lyla's name everything happened at the nursery struck my mind in a series of flashblacks making me gasp out in fear, I sprung out of the bed dashing my way to the nursery leaving Rocky confused at bed who was obviously thinking that his mother had gone mad. Even, I'm not sure about my mental heath today cause I have been acting like something creepy crawled into my pants, seeming to be on edge. I pushed the nursery door so hard that it even made Harry to jump out in fright.

"Fuck Haley. You scared the dickens outta me and why are you here, you have to take rest right now" I ignored whatever he said as if I didn't hear it and took Lyla from his arms checking every inch of her to make sure she was not hurt by whatever the anonymous thing is. I hugged her close to my chest sighing in relief knowing that she was completely well.

"Haley..Stop! You are squeezing her. God damn what's wrong with you today?" he exclaimed but once again I ignored him and went searching for those blood stained words on the window only to find it clean with not even a speck of dirt on it. This made my bones run cold and I shuddered at the thought of those words . I searched the whole room for those words like a lost child, eyes blown out in fear but there was no trace as if it was all my imagination. This thought made me even more sick. I know I was acting so fidgety since I entered into this apartment but I'm sure what happened in this room was so real that I felt fear like I had never felt before. I don't know whether it is because of the thought of my family getting hurt by it or the creepy anonymous thing. I think so the former is what making me go wild...

"HALENA" He shook my shoulders hard pulling me back to reality. My eyes welled up with tears for the nth time today but out of fear this time, I blinked my eyeslashes rapidly to stop tears spilling out but it only aided it to pour down my cheeks. Along with my tears my exterior to act composed fell down and I covered my mouth to swallow down my ugly wail of sobs but it sounded even worse.

I never acted like this in my entire life. Yes, I had went through depression but even at those times I kept quiet and locked up my emotions which in fact is the main reason for it. Anyways, the way I have been acting today even made my subconscious to double up in laughter at my pathetic state. Looking at my tearful eyes, Harry hugged me after placing Lyla in her crib.

"Shhh..baby it's okay..it's okay" he rubbed my back holding me close to his chest. I tried to fist his shirt in my palm but the pain in my fingers shoot through my whole arm making me let out another cry of pain. Gosh, I don't know whose face I woke up to today morning that i'm feeling so sickening right now. Well,I have a habit to look at the mirror first place every morning..

"Ummm..baby why can't we lie down in our bed and relax ourselves.I think we both had a long day especially you look so tired out of your emotional roller coaster.Maybe we can talk about what's bothering you after you calm down. So, shall we?" I nodded weakly at his suggestion to which he gave me a concerned smile and a brief kiss on my forehead smoothing out my fear a bit. He led me out of the doorway to our bedroom holding half my weight by waist as I was so tired emotionally and physically. When we were a few steps away from our room, I remembered Lyla being at that nursery all alone.No way i'm gonna let her sleep alone at that room after what happened.My fuzzy mind awakened at that thought commanding my feet to rush to her room.

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