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Am I supposed to treat this like a diary??? Idek

Well, here's a little more a bout myself::

•i'm sixteen and a half

•i have no siblings

•i like to eat, but can't b/c eating makes me feel sick (( weird I know ))

•i ship like everything watch out

•my best friend has a girlfriend and my brain was like "yes he's the one" and now I have a crush on him

•my favourite bands are as follows: fall out boy, my chemical romance, twenty one pilots and panic! at the disco

•phan is real, can't deny that

•i'm a slut for reading yikes

•i barley walk in high heels, but when i do, I can run in them

•i first realized i was bi when my friend ( silent-lullaby ) came out. It was only a short time till i realized that the concept of gender is the stupidest thing and here i sit

•fucking space man

•i'm going to take up ukulele super soon (when I get one) so I can be the next tyler joseph  (lol jk that's impossible)

And that's that.

If you have anyone questions, don't hesitate to ask


TOO CUTE FOR A GENDER IDENTITY  (( Diary of a Non Binary Kid ))Where stories live. Discover now