346 16 14

me: i feel so androgynous. nobody can tell my birth gender. i am finally at peace. everything is okay.

mom: come on, GIRLIE!


me: i am no longer at peace. people know. they see who they think i am. they are wrong. maybe i'm wrong. i am no longer at peace. everything is wrong...


i cleaned up the book. i hated spelling out the chapter titles, so i made a bit easier and nicer on the eyes. hope you enjoy.


idk man. i think it's time for a q + a tbh

if yall have any questions, that'd be cool

they can be about anything relating to gender, sexuality or just how i live my life.

if i get ten questions, i'll post the answers, so it may take awhile

ask your questions here, kids


"be haste and use some paste"
-me, trying to rhyme and ending up hurting my friends.


TOO CUTE FOR A GENDER IDENTITY  (( Diary of a Non Binary Kid ))Where stories live. Discover now