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y'all wanna hear a story???

cuz i got a story.

it's called "the story of how em discovered that they were non-binary"

so, it started long before I even knew this term. it started when i was reading the city of ashes (the mortal instruments is one of my fave book series 10/10 would recommend).

you see, (and im disappointed to say this) was was little (or a lot) homophobic

but, once I began shipping Malec, this all changed. it was September 2014 at the time, I was in grade nine. with no friends, so I really didn't lose out on anything tbh

began learning about the LGBTQ+ community. I began to understand just what they go through.

in about June 2016, I realized I was the straightest person, and came out as bi to my two closest friends.

in between those two dates, I switched schools. I went from having no friends to about four or five super close ones. even tho one left the school, we are all still super close.

in July 2016, my best friend came out as trans. at the time, I myself was also super confused. about everything. I looked up stuff on the internet and tried to figure it all out.

then I came to the conclusion that I was non binary

I've come out to about two people. and that's it. my school friends know I'm bi and they except that. in fact, I am often the butt of gay jokes when we hang out.

but that's okay. it shows that don't mind. plus, it's their way of showing affection and I love them for it.

however, there are no gender neutral washrooms at my school, so I just use the girls. I'm fine with that.

I'm still being called my birth name and she/her, and it makes me want to scream, but I keep it all in. as my friends now, I'm p good at hiding my feels.

oh well. I'm sure I'll be able to come out soon

annnndddd that's it.

Hope you enjoyed my horrible af life story.


TOO CUTE FOR A GENDER IDENTITY  (( Diary of a Non Binary Kid ))Where stories live. Discover now