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i have another wattpad accont that, in all honestly, is ten times better than this one.

i plan on using that one the most in the future, until i get my butt around to taking this book to thAT account (that may take years).

until then, it'd be gr9 if you follow me there as well as here, plus i actually have stories i plan on updating now, yAY

the account is cxrryxn and it a lot better (ps no friging smut book from my "XD YAIO PHASE" or me when i was 15) (that was only two years ago, but still. i cringe every time)


it doesn't matter what you identify as, you are still perfect, now matter who you are <3


TOO CUTE FOR A GENDER IDENTITY  (( Diary of a Non Binary Kid ))Where stories live. Discover now